Here are some leftover references to xman I found after the upgrade to 6.6.
Mostly examples, mentions, and configs. I think the most significant one is
the missing man page that xmore references.

            % appres  Xman.TopLevelShell.Form  xman.topBox.form

       will list the resources of widgets of xman topBox hierarchy.

               For example, xman only creates the widgets for its topbox
               it starts up.  None of the widgets for the manual page window
               are created until the user actually clicks on the Manual Page
               button.  If you retrieved xman's widget tree before the the
               manual page is active, you may wish to refresh the widget
               after the manual page has been displayed.  This will allow
               to also edit the manual page's resources.

       When sloppy focus is used as the default focus style, it is nice to
       make windows in which you do not typically type into (xmag, xman,
       xgraph, xclock, xbiff, etc) click-to-focus, so that your terminal
       window doesn't lose focus unnecessarily.
               + "Xman"          Exec  exec xman
              Style "xman"        Icon xman.xpm

       X11(7), xman(1)


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