Hi! I have yeeloong8089d laptop computer, with pmon2000 firmware
(version line: "PMON2000 2.1 (Bonito) #14: Tue May 18 10:33:47 CST
2010"). I write OpenBSD/6.6/loongson/miniroot66.fs to usb drive. In
first partition of miniroot66.fs, rest identical 2 file "bsd" and
"bsd.rd". Is gzipped ELF executable. I type into pmon2000 shell prompt
according to INSTALL.loongson "boot -k /dev/fs/ext2@usb0/bsd.rd",
print line "Loading file: /dev/fs/ext2@usb0/bsd.rd", cursor blink
briefly at tail of line, and print line "/dev/fs/ext2@usb0/bsd.rd:
boot failed".

I unzip, then boot successfully.

I not have some other build of pmon2000 firmware at hand. Other
version of pmon2000 firmware may or may not can load gzip image, but
mine cannot. Will you add a note in INSTALL.loongson document this, or
instead ship unzipped image? I not understand why identical 2 file
"bsd" and "bsd.rd". "bsd" is not mentioned in INSTALL.loongson, nor in
other documents I find. Best regards!

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