On Sat, 19 Oct 2019 17:59:41 +0200
Federico Giannici <giann...@neomedia.it> wrote:

> On 2019-10-19 16:17, Andre Stoebe wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I ran into the same issue this morning. Disabling the compositor
> > worked for me, but I noticed later that this is also documented in
> > the package readme:
> > 
> > Screen compositor
> > =================
> > If you're using the modesetting X driver and experience window
> > flickering when
> > the compositor is enabled, you should force the window manager to
> > use the XPresent method for vblank:
> > 
> > $xfwm4 --vblank=xpresent --replace &  
> I tried that command but it screwed all my windows (no more window 
> decorations and buttons, I cannot operate on windows)!
> Now I had to came back to KDE...
> :-(
> Regards
> > This is documented upstream at
> > https://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfwm4/tree/COMPOSITOR#n114
> > 
> > Haven't tested that yet and left the compositor disabled, but I
> > guess this will fix your issues. If it does, that's probably a good
> > reminder to first look in the readme next time (me included). ;)
> > 
> > Regards,
> > André
> >   

Hi, I thought I'd relate my experience: I also experienced this issue on
a machine recently upgraded to OpenBSD 6.6 which uses the aruba
chipset and also running xfce.  My workaround
(which was based on 'try stuff to see what works') involved turning off
compositing and
(via xorg.conf.d):

Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"
Option "ShadowPrimary" "on"
Option "SwapbuffersWait" "off"
Option "EnablePageFlip" "off"

This resolved issues with flickering, the mouse pointer vanishing and
re-appearing depending on which window is below the pointer (enabling
software mouse pointer for this was worse as garbage was rendered in a
rect surrounding the pointer), and also *some* issues with logging
in-out of an X session via xenodm.

I still experience problems with the machine going to sleep and waking
up, as sometimes, upon wake-up, the graphics go wonky, or don't update
at all, or the mouse pointer goes wonky.

Beyond the aforementioned, this set-up seems to allow me to use the
machine as before, however, I am not an X11 expert nor a radeondrm
driver expert; your mileage may very.

If I ever try Andre's hint in the future (thank-you), I might report on



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