You might try lyx.  This is a front end for latex.  You can write
without worrying about formatting and come back to that later.  Also,
when you do the formatting, you don't have to worry about niggling
details as in word and its clones.  Just declare chapters, sections,

Lyx is an OpenBSD package.

Dave Raymond

On 11/2/19, Jordan Geoghegan <> wrote:
> On 2019-11-02 13:18, Chris Bennett wrote:
>> On Sat, Nov 02, 2019 at 03:16:22PM -0400, STeve Andre' wrote:
>>> On 2019-11-02 15:07, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
>>>> You obviously never wrote a book.
>>>> At least not with the requirements OP asked for. >
>>> Actually, I am, right now.  I've found that "formatting" is an
>>> annoyance, when writing material.  Get it written, *then* worry
>>> about how it looks.  I've done this for more than 40 years when
>>> creating documents, reports and such for work.
>>> --STeve Andre'
>> Actually the OP said that not necessarily the same application.
>> I have to agree that writing the content and doing the formatting to be
>> two separate processes. I write in a furious stream of conciousness.
>> Looking at the formatting, etc. just impedes my work.
>> Spout out the thoughts. Then review content. Then work on formatting and
>> editing content.
>> /bin/ed
>> Then do the delicate work of editing and formatting after the creative
>> stream ends. Or creativity may be lost. Forever. Over seeing some
>> misspelled word or wrong punctuation.
>> Two or three different tools. Since there are really about three
>> processes being done that are quite different. For me, multitasking
>> sucks.
>> But, please, what is good for formatting? I don't have an answer for
>> that myself. I am considering writing as a new direction for myself.
>> Getting old sucks.
>> Chris Bennett
> You can't go wrong with LibreOffice. I've written thousands of pages
> over the years with it. It may be too "heavy" for some, but for me, if
> I'm doing something too complex for vi or mousepad, I just fire up
> LibreOffice.

David J. Raymond

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