
> https://www.openbsd.org/papers/bsdcan18-mandoc.pdf

which leds me to the conference video. it was really interesting.

> Nothing is wrong with trying to make things simple for users, quite
> to the contrary.  But that is not an excuse for delivering solutions
> that are technically abominable.

ok. now i get your honorable point but the lazy part of me will take its
part of abomination to get things done in a pleasant way :)

also: i didn't dive that much in pandoc code but from what i saw:
even a non-fluent haskell person which i am can read this code.

> When a language is technically
> as ill-designed as markdown is, the multitude of resulting traps
> actually makes it very hard to use, *not* easy at all.

well ... i really think this is a bias because i really think markdown
is so easy to use it popularized the use of wiki syntaxes (which mean
less use of wysiwyg tools ... which is more abominable).

let me ruin your day: are you aware of scdoc?


i really appreciated reading about you opinion. thank you.


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