November 24, 2019 4:34 PM, "Andrew Kanaber" <> 

> Hi,
> I'm setting up an embedded machine that won't be able to send mail to
> the internet and it seems excessive to leave smtpd running just so root
> can receive cron job output, but I can't see a way to cut smtpd out of
> the delivery chain because mail.local doesn't implement sendmail-style
> command-line options (in particular it doesn't have the -t option to
> extract the recipient from the message headers) so I can't use it in
> place of smtpctl in /etc/mailer.conf.
> I could probably get cron to mail.local delivery working by editing and
> recompiling cron to change the popen arguments but that seems like more
> trouble than it's worth in the long run.

or simpler, you can write a wrapper to mail.local and use that wrapper in
the mailwrapper config, but bear in mind that mail.local requires root as
it writes to /var/mail, so your wrapper must either be restricted to root
crontab or be setuid with all that implies.

> Is there some other way to do this? Is there a reason I've missed that
> this is actually just a bad idea?

I'd use a wrapper... but I'd also leave smtpd because it's idle when not
in work so the cost of running it vs hacking a work-around is not too in
favor of the work-around as far as I'm concerned.

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