Hello misc,

Background: I'm running OpenBSD i386 6.6 stable:
        $ uname -mrsv
        OpenBSD 6.6 GENERIC.MP#3 i386

I've found that mkdir("/", mode) sets errno to EISDIR.  Is this intended?
By reading the manpage I expected mkdir(2) to fail with EEXIST.

I know it's a bit silly to mkdir /, but I found this while porting a
program that tried to recursively create directories.  (The actual bug
was a bit more convoluted: mkdir("/", mode) was called because false
assumptions on how dirname(3) behaves, but that's another story.)

I tried grepping the kernel code, but I'm not familiar at all with the
internals, so I don't have a clear idea of where that EISDIR is generated
(is it from vfs_lookup?)

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