On Sun, 22 Dec 2019 17:22:16 -0500
Chris Bennett <cpb_m...@bennettconstruction.us> wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 22, 2019 at 04:44:11PM -0500, Steve Litt wrote:
> > On Sun, 22 Dec 2019 19:25:00 +0300
> > v...@vtsoft.dev wrote:
> >   
> > > Hello everyone,
> > > 
> > > The main page of openbsd.org is currently not responsive. It looks
> > > bad when I access it from
> > > my mobile phone. I offer my version of the home page. My CSS file
> > > is 4 times smaller than it
> > > is now and adapts to the screen size of the device. Please, check
> > > it: https://vttv.xyz. Also,
> > > you can directly download archive with sources: 
> > > https://vttv.xyz./openbsd.tar.gz.  
> > 
> > Your page is very nicely adaptive, without the horrible jumps often
> > seen with media queries. I'm not a fan of "mobile devices" but at
> > this point in history I think websites need to accommodate to them.
> > Most of my newest Troubleshooters.Com pages are at least moderately
> > adaptive.
> > 
> > I'd suggest you make the horrible, blood red graphic 1/2 size. It
> > looks awful on the current page, and because it's full size on
> > yours, it looks even awfuller.
> > 
> > The font on the current OpenBSD web page is nice and readable. On
> > your adaptive, it's thin, reedy, ugly, pixellated, and hard to
> > read. If you're setting a specific font, I suggest you refrain from
> > that and let the user's browser settings rule. That way, your page
> > is comfortable for the guy with 20/10 vision or the guy with 20/60
> > vision. If you're not declaring a font, something's going wrong.
> > 
> > The blue sidecar navigator in the original website is handy, good
> > looking, and gives the reader the confidence to go where he wants.
> > At the expense of one more user click, you could put a "navigation
> > links" link or button, which refers to your box array, right under
> > the red graphic. 
> > 
> > What I'd prefer, if it doesn't require a media query or too much
> > javascript, would be to retain the sidecar at big screen sizes, but
> > at a certain point collapse it and replace with something else:
> > Perhaps your current bottom array of boxes with a link to them on
> > top.
> > 
> > What's going to be a bigger challenge is doing this to pages
> > containing <tt/> or <pre/>. I've never been able to get those to
> > fold, and even if they did, the code would then become misleading.
> > 
> > SteveT
> > 
> > Steve Litt 
> > December 2019 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
> > http://www.troubleshooters.com/rl21
> >   
> If it won't work with a text browser such as lynx, it's not OK.
> You can't ^Z chrome or firefox.
> You can't use Javascript with text browsers.
> Once you walk away from text browsers, script snippets to read pages,
> etc., too much is lost.
> I'm genuinely only interested in content, not appearance.
> I frequently need a text browser over SSH. As in many times a month.
> Please just patch content, not good looks.

In that case (and you've brought up a good point), a link on top
pointing to the navigation boxes on the bottom does the job. No
Javascript needed (as far as I know).


Steve Litt 
December 2019 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century

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