Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in <>:
 |Jon Fineman wrote in <>:
 ||For current s-nail is there a way with an imap account to copy messages \
 ||that I
 ||delete to my ISPs trash folder like the set record=+Sent command copies \
 ||message to my sent folder?
 ||Currently they are being permanently deleted.
 |I would say there are multiple possibilities, if i understand your
 |desire correctly.  The easiest would likely be a function plus
 |a commandalias (or even a key binding).
 |  define my_delete {
 |    \copy "$@" /tmp/undelete.mbox
 |    \delete "$@"

Even better would be

      \copy "$@" /tmp/undelete.mbox
      \delete `

since the messages are collected only once.

 |  commandalias d '\call my_delete'
 |And then you say "d *" as before.  Just replace my_delete with
 |whatever is your desire, but note that this is inefficient unless
 |you stay under the same IMAP account (for a while).  You could
 |also just use \move instead of \copy, which is likely very much

And "move" is likely what you really want.

 |more efficient than the above.  But there is no automatic and
 |builtin way to say, for example, "just let delete do x and y", no.
 |Hope this help.
 |Merry Christmas ;) i wish from Germany,


|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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