On Fri, Dec 27, 2019 at 06:35:34PM -0800, Xiyue Deng wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to set up a chroot for dpb using proot, but it looks like I'm
> doing something wrong and nothing has been created in the chroot
> directory.  According to proot man page the following command should be
> sufficient, but I got the following outputs and nothing happens in /build:
> --------8<--------
> $ sudo ./proot -B /build
Why are you still using sudo and not doas ?
You're not saying if you're running current.

> Password: 
> loguser: _pbuild
> fetchuser: _pfetch
> builduser: _pbuild
> PORTSDIR=/usr/ports
> DISTDIR=/usr/ports/distfiles
> WRKOBJDIR=/usr/ports/pobj
> LOCKDIR=/usr/ports/pobj/locks
> LOGDIR=/usr/ports/logs
> PACKAGE_REPOSITORY=/usr/ports/packages
> PLIST_REPOSITORY=/usr/ports/plist
> Couldn't find mountpoint for /build ???
> Running locate: ok
> --------8<--------
> It looks like it treats /build as a mountpoint, but what if I just need
> a local chroot?  I wonder what is the correct way to use proot.  Thanks!

No it doesn't. It's definitely not what it says.
The actual code will try to figure out on which mountpoint /build is located,
by calling dirname() until it doesn't change any more.

How about giving us the output of mount as well ?

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