
n...@web.de wrote on Sun, Dec 29, 2019 at 08:40:40PM +0100:

> thanks for your answers.  There is not really such big of a problem
> with going back to -current.

Usually, downgrading an OpenBSD installation simply doesn't work at all.
As you saw, it typically breaks in one way or another, so don't do it.

> There just seems to be a bug with the current version of rspamd's
> milter.

When you see a bug in -current, going back to -stable is never a good
idea.  Instead, help to identify the bug and get it fixed.  That's the
whole point of running -current, after all.

> Where it bounces alot of messages "warning: milter
> unix:public/rspamd_proxy.sock: can't read SMFIC_BODYEOB reply packet
> header: Undefined error: 0".
> This problem seems to only exist with the package in current and not
> in release.

The maintainer of the mail/rspamd port is likely to overlook this
report in this thread (given that it is on misc@ and given the
Subject:).  Besides, this report is extremely brief, i'm not
convinced it contains sufficient information to understand the
problem.  But since i don't use spamd, i'm not sure.

The latest commit to the mail/rspamd port was on 2019/12/29 21:35:02.
Make sure you have a package built with that commit, and if the
problem persists, post a report to ports@ with as much detail as
you can.  You may also Cc: the maintainer in case of regressions,
in this case sthen@.


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