On 2020-01-04 09:21, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2020-01-04, Nazar Zhuk <nazar@zhuk.online> wrote:
I get SCRIPT_FILENAME passed from httpd relative to httpd chroot
(/site1/htdocs/... ) and PHP being chrooted into /var/www/site1 needs
that to be relative to it's own chroot (/htdocs/...).

httpd is a bit inflexible (intentionally, I think). Can you work around
it with ln -s . /var/www/site1/site1 ?

Yes, this works, thanks.

Is this intentional though, or is it that this use case hasn't been fully considered yet?

Separate chroots for different FastCGI processes seems like a good idea to isolate those processes from each other.

This could be configured with something like:

  fastcgi strip <n>

similar to how "request strip" works.

I can write a patch if this is something the maintainers would be interested in adding.


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