The problem with Fossil is lack of a driving force.

GitHub is so successful because it is non-trivial to get Git working.  Now
that Git is a standard, there's a lot of copycats for GitHub itself,
because every developer knows Git.*

Fossil seems to be pretty easy to use all by itself, hence there's no
service similar to GitHub, because the added value would be considerably
smaller, plus you'll be going up against the giants like Git and GitHub; in
fact, Bitbucket has already abandoned Mercurial support recently, embracing
the monoculture of Git.

If anyone's more interested in Fossil, website
itself runs on Fossil (yes, it's self-hosted, and, yes, Fossil itself comes
with a CMS, as well as a bug-tracking system), but there's also — the timeline interface is claimed to be
the best feature of Fossil, it provides great visual representation of
commits on all the branches as they happen; e.g., (in case
there's nothing on branches on this link, see , or
, which shows exactly which release branches were updated at what time and
in what order).  The other key difference of Fossil compared to Git is that
the whole history of work is permanent, not transient like in Git's branch
and squash-merge model, e.g., you don't just remove things (like branches)
from the repository that were there yesterday, like in Git, and unlike in
CVS or many other systems.

Does it mean OpenBSD and/or NetBSD should switch to Fossil?  No, that's not
what I said.


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