William Kranec wrote:

I have a photo collection which I would like multiple users to be able to access, and I would like to do this by storing the files in a central
> location on my disk and linking /home/$USER/photos to that directory.

Where is the most appropriate place in the filesystem for this directory?
I've considered both /home/photos and /var/photos, but I'm not quite if one
> is better than the other, or if it just doesn't make a difference.

#1: It should be on a filesystem that is writable by users in the normal case.
#2: If possible, it should be on its own filesystem.

I would favor /usr/photos or simply /photos. I reserve /var for application data, and /home for each user's private data... but if it can't be its own filesystem, I'd say /home/photos.

If there were going to be a lot of directories like photos that were shared users' data, I might consider /share/photos (and /share/music, and...).
 Matthew Weigel

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