February 1, 2020 9:11 AM, "Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri" <andreas.kah...@abc.se> 

> Hi,
> With the latest snapshot on amd64 (6.6 GENERIC.MP#627), using a "|"-line
> in one's ~/.forward makes delivery of mail fail with
> Feb 1 08:53:53 pooh smtpd[72575]: d9abac6b3d904e13 smtp connected 
> address=local
> host=pooh.prefix.duckdns.org
> Feb 1 08:53:54 pooh smtpd[72575]: d9abac6b3d904e13 smtp message 
> msgid=8698cb82 size=1824 nrcpt=1
> proto=ESMTP
> Feb 1 08:53:54 pooh smtpd[72575]: d9abac6b3d904e13 smtp envelope 
> evpid=8698cb8264606654 from=<>
> to=<k...@pooh.prefix.duckdns.org>
> Feb 1 08:53:54 pooh smtpd[72575]: d9abac6b3d904e13 smtp disconnected 
> reason=quit
> Feb 1 08:53:54 pooh mail.local: may only be run by the superuser
> Feb 1 08:53:54 pooh smtpd[72575]: d9abac6d77a45212 mda delivery 
> evpid=8698cb8264606654 from=<>
> to=<k...@pooh.prefix.duckdns.org> rcpt=<k...@pooh.prefix.duckdns.org> user=kk 
> delay=0s result=PermFail
> stat=Error ("mail.local: may only be run by the superuser")
> Feb 1 08:53:54 pooh smtpd[19621]: warn: queue: no return path!
> The mail is then lost.

It is rejected at session time because there's no other way to handle
this case:

your user "kk" tries to execute "mail.local" from ~/.forward file but
mail.local requires privileges and smtpd doesn't allow running things
with privileges from ~/.forward.

it can't be handled as a temporary failure either.

> I have
> pooh % cat .forward
> |/usr/local/bin/fdm -a stdin fetch
> where "stdin" is a simple mail "account" in fdm(1) that takes messages
> from standard input, filters it, and sorts it into the correct Maildir
> inbox. For me, this only affects messages originating from the local
> system (e.g. crontab output etc., but also messages for root as my root
> user is aliased to my ordinary user through /etc/mail/aliases).

I'm not sure that's what's happening, maildir can't possibly use mail.local,
and the error message is explicit, mail.local is being executed somehow.

> I understand that this may well be by design rather than a bug. How
> may one use a personal MDA from ~/.forward nowadays, or is that option
> completely unsupported from now on?

That shouldn't be the case as I  use ~/.forward with fdm in it

It would help if you shared your config

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