Hello Lucas,

as far as I understood, setting MTU on encN interfaces is not supported
since it is not mentioned by enc(4) and setting it manually fails:

> machine# ifconfig enc0 mtu 1500
> ifconfig: SIOCSIFMTU: Inappropriate ioctl for device

If you do not want to use GRE tunnels or gif interfaces, I suppose truncating
MSS via pf might be an acceptable but not elegant solution:

> match on enc0 scrub (max-mss 1394)

1394 bytes is intentional as the remote end has an interface MTU of 1488 bytes
configured (behind a DSL connection using VLANs).

That being said, I bumped into some reproducible but not deterministic crashes
which are most likely related to IPsec connections as the same system runs
stable using OpenVPN. Please refer to 
for further information - unfortunately, there is no solution for this yet.

Thanks, and best regards,
Peter Müller

> Hi misc@,
> I've set up an IPsec tunnel to for serving my website from my home. The
> tunnel works quite well most of the time, but if I try to deliver big
> files over it, the HTTP client never gets a response. After some
> testing, if I ran in the HTTP server end
>       perl -e 'print "a" x 1386;' | doas nc -l 80
> client receives 1386 "a"s, but with any bigger size the client sees no
> response at all.
> This smells of MTU / fragmentation issues, but I don't know enough about
> networks to configure it properly. Is this the case? Any recommendations
> on how to configure a sensible value? Any clue sticks? I can bang
> different MTUs until it works, but that solution doesn't seem to scale.
> You can find my iked and pf configs below.
> Also would like to understand why it happens, so pointers to docs are
> more than welcome.
> Thanks in advance,
> -Lucas
> Initiator /etc/iked.conf:
>       initiator_www =
>       initiator_peer =
>       responder =   
>       ikev2 "www" active proto tcp \
>           from $initiator_www port 80 to $responder \
>           peer $responder \
>           srcid initiator dstid responder \
>           tag IPSECWWW
> Initiator /etc/pf.conf:
>       set block-policy drop
>       set loginterface egress
>       set skip on lo0
>       block all
>       pass out quick on { egress enc0 }
>       pass in quick on enc0 tagged IPSECWWW
>       pass in on egress proto tcp to port ssh
>       pass in on egress inet proto icmp all
>       pass in on egress inet6 proto ipv6-icmp all
> Responder /etc/iked.conf:
>       initiator_www =
>       initiator_peer =
>       responder =   
>       ikev2 "www" passive proto tcp \
>           from $responder to $initiator_www port 80 \
>           peer $initiator_peer \
>           srcid responder dstid initiator \
>           tag IPSECWWW
> Responder /etc/pf.conf:
>       set block-policy drop
>       set loginterface egress
>       set skip on lo0
>       block log all
>       pass out quick on egress
>       pass in log on egress proto udp from any to (egress) \
>           port { isakmp ipsec-nat-t }
>       pass in log on egress proto esp from any to (egress)
>       pass in log on enc0 tagged IPSECWWW
>       pass out log on enc0
>       pass in on egress proto tcp to port { ssh http https }
>       pass in on egress inet proto icmp all
>       pass in on egress inet6 proto icmp6 all

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