I am trying now only with the redirect to www.openbsd.org, if it works, I
am sure it can be adapted to my case.

Unfortunately still no success.

# pf.conf:


match in log on $ext_if proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port 8099 tag RDR \
rdr-to port 80

match out log on $ext_if proto tcp to port 80 received-on \
$ext_if nat-to $ext_if

match out log quick on $ext_if inet all tagged RDR \
nat-to $ext_if

server_open="{ 80,110,443,25,587,465 }"

pass in log on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any port 1024:65535 to $ext_if
port $server_open tag n_traffic

#block all to start
block all
pass quick tagged RDR
pass quick tagged n_traffic
pass out on $ext_if

> On 2/14/2020 6:30 AM, Fabio Martins wrote:
>> Hi Nick,
>> Thanks. I applied both rules below, unfortunately I am still only
>> hitting
>> rule number #1 (rdr-to). nat-to is never reached (added "log" on each to
>> test). I tried inverting the order, too, but no luck.
>> #1
>> match in on $ext_if proto tcp from <spammers> to ($ext_if) port 25 \
>> rdr-to port 2222
>> #2
>> match out on $ext_if proto tcp to port 2222 received-on
>> \
>> $ext_if nat-to ($ext_if)
>> --
>> Fabio Martins
> Odd, are you allowing the traffic with an appropriate pass rule later?
> I use tagging for rules related to rdr and nat to keep things simple,
> here is the full working setup I used to bounce port 8099 on the
> external interface to www.openbsd.org port 80.
> #Fun reverse redirection of www.openbsd.org
> match in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port 8099 tag RDR
> rdr-to port 80
> match out on $ext_if proto tcp to port 80 received-on
> $ext_if nat-to $ext_if
> #block all to start
> block log all
> pass quick tagged RDR
> pass out on $ext_if
> Make sure you are testing from an external host of course.

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