As part of my master thesis i wrote code to enable a trusted boot
with OpenBSD. This short manual is for everyone who wants to try it.
Feedback on the code and the feature itself is also appreciated.

    1: OpenBSD 6.5 (might also work with 6.6 but only tested with 6.5)
    2: Default installation with Full Disk Encryption (FDE)
    3: Clean sys source code in /usr/src/sys/**
    4: Firmware with Logical Block Adressing (LBA) support
    5: 64-Bit Processor
    6: System with a dedicated TPM 1.2 Chip
    7: Downloaded all attachments to this email in /tmp
    8: Adventurous mindset (this might brick your installation)

1: Updating the MBR startprogram to measure biosboot(8)
The following commands are meant to be inserted one by one by the user
and need adjustments depending on the system.

cd /usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/stand/mbr/

# patch the source code and compile the new MBR
patch mbr.S /tmp/mbr.patch

# updating MBR on disk (replace X with drive). To preserve partition
# table copy existing, overwrite startprogram and write back
dd if=/dev/rsdXc of=mbr.img bs=512 count=1
dd if=mbr of=mbr.img bs=440 count=1 conv=notrunc
dd if=mbr.img of=/dev/rsdXc bs=512 count=1
rm mbr.img

2: Updating biosboot(8) and boot(8)
Same as in the first step. These commands contain absolute paths and
drive numbers that need to be changed by the user.

cd /usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/stand/biosboot/

# patch the biosboot(8) source code and compile
patch biosboot.S /tmp/biosboot.patch

# patch the boot(8) source code and compile
cd /usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/stand
patch ./boot/Makefile /tmp/makefile.patch

# this fix got already included in the OpenBSD source but did not make
# it in 6.6
patch ./libsa/gidt.S /tmp/boot/gidt.patch

patch ./libsa/cmd_i386.c /tmp/cmd_i386.patch
cp /tmp/tpm.c ./libsa/
cp /tmp/tpm.h ./libsa/
cd ./boot

# install biosboot(8) and boot(8)
# replace X with the drive number of the virtual softraid device
cd /usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/stand
installboot sdX  ./biosboot/biosboot ./boot/boot

If every step finished successfully, your system extends the measurement
chain from a small immutable piece of firmware up to boot(8). The
updated mbr(8) measures biosboot(8) and biosboot(8) measures boot(8).

The TPM has to be initialized bevor any of the tpm commands will work.
To perform the initialization:
    1: reset the TPM in the firmware
    2: create a bootable Fedora USB-Stick
    3: start the system with it
    4: and execute the following commands:
        sudo dnf install tpm-tools
        tpm_takeownership -z -y

boot(8) supports the machine specific command "tpm". This allows a
user to:

1: read the current contents of the Platform Control Registers (PCR)
   with the "pcr" parameter

   machine tpm p[cr]

2: seal a user supplied secret to the current PCR values and store it
   in the second block on a disk, that can be altered via a parameter.
   WARNING: If there is any other data in this block, it will be
   overwritten without asking again.

   machine tpm s[eal] secret [DiskNumber]

3: unseal a previously sealed secrent and display it to the user. This
   command just reads the second block of the disk that can be
   specified by the user and unseals it via the TPM

   machine tpm u[nseal] [DiskNumber]

Lets hope everything works as it does on my machine :). I will now be
away from my computer for a month. So if this feature is something the
OpenBSD would welcome, i would put in the other 90% it takes to bring
this feature from a prototype to something that could actually be

Kind Regards


Attachment: tpm.h
Description: Binary data

Attachment: tpm.c
Description: Binary data

Attachment: biosboot.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: cmd_i386.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: gidt.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: makefile.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: mbr.patch
Description: Binary data

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