On 3/19/20 8:24 PM, Matthieu wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 10:45:06PM +0100, Martijn van Duren wrote:
>> Could you explain why you (think you) need to have multiple domain
>> support?
>> You (currently?) can't. If you want multiple conditions on different
>> filters you would need to create multiple listening sockets (e.g.
>> multiple ips or ports) and apply the correct match-rules based on the
>> socket.
>> martijn@
> Thank you for your response.
> My main reason is that, as a freelancer, I have a professional email 
> that I don't want to mix with my personal email. Moreover, a friend asks 
> me to host his emails and I don't want to mix it up either.

Please be more concise. What do you mean "don't want to mix it up"?
What would be mixed up? What would be the consequences of that?
Based on what would it need to be separated?

And just to be clear, I'm not trying to be a pedantic asshole for its
own sake. I honestly don't see where our interpretations diverge.
> I'm not develloper C, but if I propose a patch for this feature, does it 
> have a possibility to be integrated ?
Any patch is welcome if properly motivated. If it's not up to par we can
always polish it further. But I'd advise to first come to an understanding
on the motivation.

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