Hi All,

Without *block return label "block stateless traffic"* and *pass # establish 
keep-state*, my NAT / redirect rules from external into LAN do not work. 
Neither do rules that permit RDP to Windows Workstations on Tun0 interface. 
FWIW: Wireguard uses this tun0 interface.

TCPDump shows the destination IP sending a RST packet. Although the Internal 
LAN interface shows no packet passing. That does not quite make sense to me - 
but that is what happens. 

I have read online and man pages etc, and all say that the "block return" and 
"pass" rules are not necessary. In fact the example given at 
https://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/filter.html does not have these two initial 
rules. These default rules were carried over from the /etc/example/pf.conf 

Event moving the *block return* default rule to lower in the rulebase - results 
in the same symptoms. Syn packets pass out of Tun0 but Rst sent back almost 

Any assistance greatly appreciated. (Public IP addresses mangled. Only retained 
for readability)



mrac-prx01# cat /etc/pf.conf
#       $OpenBSD: pf.conf,v 1.55 2017/12/03 20:40:04 sthen Exp $
# See pf.conf(5) and /etc/examples/pf.conf

# ---== Skip firewalling on these interfaces ===---
set skip on { lo lo0 }

# ---=== Default Policy ===---
block return                              label "block stateless traffic"
block in quick log from urpf-failed     # block reverse patch verify failures
block in quick log from no-route to any # block non routable traffic
block in log (all, to pflog0)           # block traffic not matched explicitly 
pass                                    # establish keep-state

# ---=== Global Options ===---
match in  all scrub (reassemble tcp no-df max-mss 1450)
match out all scrub (random-id)
set reassemble yes
set limit { tables 10000 table-entries 1000000 states 400000 frags 100000 
src-nodes 10000 }
set block-policy drop
set loginterface pflog0
set optimization high-latency
set state-policy if-bound
set syncookies adaptive (start 25%, end 12%)
set timeout { adaptive.start 6000, adaptive.end 12000 }
set ruleset-optimization basic
set fingerprints "/etc/pf.os"
antispoof log quick for { lo0 re0 vl60 vl61 tun0 }
#antispoof log quick for em0

# ---=== Macros ===---
ext_if   = "{ re0 }"
ext_ip   = "{ re0:0 }"
int_if   = "{ em0 }"
int_ip   = "{ }"
int_net  = em0:network
tun0_if  = "{ tun0 }"
tun0_ip  = "{ tun0:0 }"
tun0_net = tun0:network
vl60_if  = "{ vlan60 }"
vl60_ip  = "{ vlan60:0 }"
vl60_net = "{ vlan60 }"
vl61_if  = "{ vlan61 }"
vl61_ip  = "{ vlan61:0 }"
vl61_net = "{ vlan61 }"

# ---=== Alias IP ===---
best_bme          = "{, }"
best_knx          = "{ }"
monitoring        = "{ }"
bcastnet          = "{,,,, }"
mrac_dc           = "{ }"

# ---=== Alias Protocols ===---
bcastprt      = "{ 287, 68:69,137:139, 168, 546:547, 1900, 1947, 3702, 5353, 
5355, 5678, 7680, 10001 }"
icmp_required = "{ echoreq, timex, paramprob, unreach code needfrag }"

# ---=== Tables ===---
table <lockout> persist
table <fqdn_kaspersky_labs> { kaspersky-labs.com }
table <fqdn_wanada> { wanada.epiccloud.com.au }
table <bruteforcers> persist file "/etc/pf.files/bruteforcers.txt"
table <blockedcountries> persist file "/etc/pf.files/blockedcountries.txt"
table <blockedbadhosts> persist file "/etc/pf.files/blockedbadhosts.txt"
# table <martians> const { }

# ---=== Block SSH Access from Abusers ===---
block     quick log on any proto { tcp udp icmp } from <lockout> label 

# ---=== Blocked Countries and malicious hosts ===---
block     quick log from <blockedcountries> label "From Blocked_Countries"
block     quick log to   <blockedcountries> label "To Blocked_Countries"
block     quick log from <blockedbadhosts>  label "From Blocked_Badhosts"
block     quick log to   <blockedbadhosts>  label "To Blocked_Badhosts"

# ---=== Outbound from Firewall to anywhere on any interface ===---
block return in on ! lo0 proto tcp   to port 6000:6010  # By default, do not 
permit remote connections to X11
block return out log     proto {tcp udp} user _pbuild   # Port build user does 
not need network
pass         out quick     on any from self to any modulate state

# ---=== Outbound Port-NAT Rules ===---
match out on $ext_if  from $int_net  nat-to $ext_ip source-hash
match out on $vl60_if from $int_net  nat-to $ext_ip source-hash
match out on $vl61_if from $int_net  nat-to $ext_ip source-hash

# ---=== Inbound from External Interface Port Redirect through Firewall ===---
# block in  quick log on $ext_if inet  proto tcp from any                       
  os "NMAP" label "NMAPScanHost"
# block in  quick log on $ext_if inet6 proto tcp from any                       
  os "NMAP" label "NMAPScanHost"
pass  in  quick log on $ext_if inet  proto tcp from $best_bme port >1023 to 
port 3389 rdr-to $mrac_dc port 3389 keep state # (max-src-conn 40, 
max-src-conn-rate 10/30, overload <bruteforcers> flush global)
pass  in  quick log on $ext_if inet  proto tcp from $best_bme port >1023 to 
port 9676 rdr-to $mrac_dc port 9676 keep state # (max-src-conn 40, 
max-src-conn-rate 10/30, overload <bruteforcers> flush global)
pass  in  quick log on $ext_if inet  proto tcp from $best_knx port >1023 to 
port 9676 rdr-to $mrac_dc port 9676 keep state # (max-src-conn 40, 
max-src-conn-rate 10/30, overload <bruteforcers> flush global)

# ---=== Inbound from External Interface to Firewall ===---
pass  in  quick log on $ext_if inet proto udp  from any         port >1023 to 
$ext_ip port 51820 keep state  (max-src-conn 40, max-src-conn-rate 10/10, 
overload <bruteforcers> flush global)
pass  in  quick log on $ext_if inet proto tcp  from $best_bme   port >1023 to 
$ext_ip port 22 synproxy state (max-src-conn 40, max-src-conn-rate 10/10, 
overload <bruteforcers> flush global)
pass  in  quick log on $ext_if inet proto tcp  from $monitoring port >1023 to 
$ext_ip port 22 synproxy state (max-src-conn 40, max-src-conn-rate 10/10, 
overload <bruteforcers> flush global)
pass  in  quick log on $ext_if inet proto icmp from $monitoring            to 
$ext_ip icmp-type { echoreq, unreach }  max-pkt-rate 100/10
pass  in  quick log on $ext_if inet proto icmp from $best_bme              to 
$ext_ip icmp-type { echoreq, unreach }  max-pkt-rate 100/10
# block in  quick log on $ext_if inet            from <martians> label "Block 
block in  quick log on $ext_if                 from any        label "Block 
External Access in"

# ---=== Inbound from Internal LAN Interface _terminating_ on Firewall ===---
pass  in  quick log on $int_if inet proto tcp         from $int_net port >1023 
to $int_ip port 22 synproxy state
pass  in  quick log on $int_if inet proto tcp         from $int_net port >1023 
to $int_ip port 25 keep state
pass  in  quick     on $int_if inet proto { tcp udp } from $int_net port >1023 
to $int_ip port 53 keep state
pass  in  quick     on $int_if inet proto tcp         from $int_net port >1023 
to $int_ip port 80 keep state
pass  in  quick log on $int_if inet proto udp         from $int_net port >1023 
to $int_ip port 123
pass  in  quick log on $int_if inet proto udp         from $mrac_dc port >1023 
to $int_ip port 161
pass  in  quick     on $int_if inet proto udp         from $int_net port >1023 
to $int_ip port 514
pass  in  quick     on $int_if inet proto tcp         from $int_net port >1023 
to $int_ip port { 3126 3127 3128 3129 } keep state

# ---=== Squid Rules. Redirect traffic to Squid - for clients that do not have 
proxy explicitly set ===---
pass  in  quick     on $int_if inet proto tcp  from $int_net port >1023 to any 
port { 80, 81, 8080 } divert-to port 3127 keep state (sloppy)

# ---=== Inbound from Internal Interface _through_ Firewall ===---
pass  in  quick log on $int_if inet proto tcp         from $int_net port >1023 
to any                   port 993   keep state
pass  in  quick log on $int_if inet proto tcp         from $int_net port >1023 
to any                   port 5938  keep state
pass  in  quick log on $int_if inet proto tcp         from $int_net port >1023 
to <fqdn_kaspersky_labs> port 13111 keep state
pass  in  quick log on $int_if inet proto udp         from $int_net port >1023 
to <fqdn_kaspersky_labs> port 15111
pass  in  quick log on $int_if inet proto tcp         from $int_net port >1023 
to <fqdn_wanada>         port 54468 keep state
pass  in  quick log on $int_if inet proto udp         from $int_net port >1023 
to any                   port 33433 >< 33625 keep state label "Traceroute"
pass  in  quick log on $int_if inet proto icmp        from any                 
to any icmp-type $icmp_required
block in  quick log on $int_if inet proto icmp        from any                 
to any
block in  quick     on $int_if inet proto { tcp udp } from any                 
to $int_ip port 7680

# ---=== Tagged Rules Inbound from Internal Interface ===---
pass  in  quick log on $int_if inet proto tcp from $int_net port >1023 to any 
port 80
pass  in  quick log on $int_if inet proto tcp from $int_net port >1023 to any 
port 443

# ---=== Inbound from VPN Adapter Tun0 to internal network ===---
pass  in  quick     on $tun0_if inet proto   tcp       from $tun0_net port 
>1023 to $int_net port 22   keep state (max-src-conn 40, max-src-conn-rate 
10/10, overload <bruteforcers> flush global) label "RA VPN SSH to LAN"
pass  in  quick     on $tun0_if inet proto { tcp udp } from $tun0_net port 
>1023 to $int_ip  port 53   keep state
pass  in  quick log on $tun0_if inet proto { tcp udp } from $tun0_net port 
>1023 to $int_net port 3389 keep state (max-src-conn 40, max-src-conn-rate 
10/10, overload <bruteforcers> flush global) label "RA VPN RDP to LAN"
pass  in  quick log on $tun0_if inet proto icmp        from $tun0_net           
 to $int_net icmp-type $icmp_required label "RA VPN ICMP to LAN"
block in  quick log on $tun0_if inet                   from $tun0_net           
 to any label "RA VPN IPv4 Block In  Clean Up"
block out quick log on $tun0_if inet                   from $tun0_net           
 to any label "RA VPN IPv4 Block Out Clean Up"
block in  quick log on $tun0_if inet6                  from any                 
 to any label "RA VPN IPv6 Block In  Clean Up"
block out quick log on $tun0_if inet6                  from any                 
 to any label "RA VPN IPv6 Block Out Clean Up"

# ---=== Inbound from VLAN60 to Internet (Guests Wifi) ===---
pass  in  quick     on $vl60_if inet proto { tcp udp } from $vl60_net port 
>1023 to $vl60_ip port 53 keep state
pass  in  quick     on $vl60_if inet proto tcp         from $vl60_net port 
>1023 to $vl60_ip port { 3127 3128 3129 } synproxy state
pass  in  quick     on $vl60_if inet proto tcp         from $vl60_net port 
>1023 to any      port { 80, 81, 443, 8080 } divert-to port 3127 keep 
pass  in  quick log on $vl60_if inet proto icmp        from $vl60_net           
 to any      icmp-type $icmp_required
block in  quick log on $vl60_if                        from $vl60_net           
 to $int_net
block in  quick log on $vl60_if                        from $vl60_net           
 to $vl61_net

# ---=== Inbound from VLAN61 to Internet (Doctors Wifi) ===---
pass  in  quick     on $vl61_if inet proto { tcp udp } from $vl61_net port 
>1023 to $vl61_ip port 53 keep state
pass  in  quick     on $vl61_if inet proto tcp         from $vl61_net port 
>1023 to $vl61_ip port { 3127 3128 3129 } synproxy state
pass  in  quick     on $vl61_if inet proto tcp         from $vl61_net port 
>1023 to any      port { 80, 81, 443, 8080 } divert-to port 3127 keep 
pass  in  quick log on $vl61_if inet proto icmp        from $vl61_net           
 to any      icmp-type $icmp_required
block in  quick log on $vl61_if                        from $vl61_net           
 to $int_net
block in  quick log on $vl61_if                        from $vl61_net           
 to $vl60_net

# ---=== Block NoLog ===---
block in quick           from any               to $bcastnet          label 
block in quick           from any               to $bcastnet          label 
block in quick                 inet  proto udp  to any port $bcastprt label 
block in quick                 inet6 proto udp  to any port $bcastprt label 

# ---=== Cleanup time ===---
block in quick log       from no-route to  any label "Block-NonRoutable"        
        # block packets that have no return route
block in quick log       from any no state     label "Block-NoState"            
        # block packets that have no state
block in quick log inet  from              any label "CLEANUP4"
block in quick log inet6 from              any label "CLEANUP6"

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