
I have been using OpenBSD snapshots since autumn 2018 on a ThinkPad
X200. My machine is librebooted and apart from the well-known
framebuffer issue during boot, everything works fine.

A couple of weeks ago i accidentally spilled a glass of red wine over
the keyboard. I opened the machine and cleaned it up immediately. No
wine at all on the motherboard, only the keyboard was a bit soaked. I
let it dry for a few days before reassembling everything. The keyboard
was dry and worked normally, but the mouse function had gone wild and
was out of control, both the internal TrackPoint on the keyboard and my
external Logitech mouse.

I had a Devuan Xfce disk in a bag and was able to deactivate the
TrackPoint (separate mouse drivers and config in Devuan/Xfce/Linux). I
had work to be done and kept it like that, while waiting for a new
keyboard to come.

Some days ago I replaced the old wine-soaked French keyboard with a
brand new Norwegian keyboard and everything was perfect and normal in
Devuan. When I slid the OpenBSD disk back, I discovered that the mouse
function was 'frozen' (no mouse config at all obviously). I might have
touched or accidentally deleted the wscons/wsmouse config when the
accident initially happened. Since then I have been been trying to set
up a new, working config again, reading MAN pages, forum messages and
other docs on the Internet.

Recovering the OpenBSD wsmouse/pointing function is probably not an
extremely complicated operation, but I have not succeeded yet. Do any of
you have a working clue? I should like to avoid a complete reinstall of
the system.



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