Reviewing sizes of /bsd*, they looked odd. So after
a bunch of poking and checking a new install on a 
new VM (which worked) I manually rebuilt the MP kernel
from the SP boot.  And got this:

# ls -l /bsd*
-rwx------  1 root  wheel  18622131 Apr 12 18:01 /bsd
-rwx------  1 root  wheel  17806667 Apr 11 00:15 /bsd.booted
-rw-------  1 root  wheel  10351321 Apr 11 00:13 /bsd.rd
-rwx------  1 root  wheel  18532909 Apr 11 00:13 /bsd.sp

However this failed to boot as well (same symptom).  Eventually
I did the obvious thing: copied /home/_sysupgrade/ to /
and booted that and it worked, including successful reorder_kernel.

I had missed this syslog entry:

Feb 25 16:48:21 o67snap reorder_kernel: failed -- see 

No idea what happened there.

My fault for not paying attention to syslog.  Sorry for the noise.


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