On Wed, Feb 22, 2006 at 03:31:41PM -0500, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
> Chris Smith wrote:
> >In addition to preventing infected PC's from using their own SMTP engine 
> >to send out spam by blocking port 25 from all but the mail server. I 
> >would also like to add those hosts automatically to a table in order to 
> >block their access altogether so that the infected PC's cannot attempt 
> >other damage. How can this be accomplished?
> >
> You can use PF for that.
> pass connection from any to your smtp server and block everything else 
> to port 25 with log into a table. You also use that table to block all 
> outgoing connections.

Can you really log into a table?  I don't see anything in pf.conf(5)
for that.


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