Hi Martin

The eu.bgp-spamd.net server is no longer available.  I have not had any
time for maintanence of these systems for several years, so do not
expect many future updates.


On 2020 Apr 19 (Sun) at 14:39:08 +0000 (+0000), Martin wrote:
:I'm going to have spamdb updates from AS using BGP as configured.
:But both AS rs.bgp-spamd.net eu.bgp-spamd.net points to the same IP address 
according to ping:
:ping eu.bgp-spamd.net
:ping rs.bgp-spamd.net
:Which system can be used for redundancy? Any other spamd-AS online?
:$ cat /etc/bgpd.conf
:AS 65xxx
:fib-update no
:group "spam" {
:           remote-as 65066
:           multihop 64
:           export none
:                  neighbor {
:                          descr "rs.bgp-spamd.net"
:                  }
:                  neighbor {
:                          descr "eu.bgp-spamd.net"
:                  }

Did you know ...

That no-one ever reads these things?

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