On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 4:47 AM Ian Sutton <i...@ce.gl> wrote:
> Following the revalations made by a misc@ poster, I am happy to present
> the following patch which increases the width of size_t from "long" to
> "long long", which is twice the width as before, on all platforms. This
> has the effect of doubling the amount of available memory regardless of
> the physical capacity installed memory hardware. Additionally, it
> enables PAE on all 32 bit platforms without incurring performance costs.

This may go against a direct recommendation in the C standard for some
or all of these platforms.

"The types used for size_t and ptrdiff_t should not have an integer
conversion rank greater than that of signed long int unless the
implementation supports objects large enough to make this necessary."

Presumably the unnamed misc@ poster was unsafely mixing pointers and
integer types.

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