On Thursday 23 February 2006 11:40, Bob Beck wrote:
> > Bit of a openBSD n00b here. How would I go about listening to
> > pflog0? I thought that required tcpdump running. What I want it
> > running continuously on a small, dedicated firewall box (concerned
> > about processing power as well as security)?

>         man pflog
>         If you have ADD and can't read the whole thing
>         man pflog | grep tcpdump

I don't have ADD but apparently I don't spell all that correctly. So 
with the misspelled word "What" replaced with "Would", parts of my 
previous post might make some more sense:
How would I go about listening to pflog0? I 
thought that required tcpdump running. Would I want it running 
continuously on a small, dedicated firewall box (concerned about 
processing power as well as security)?
IOW, from your experience, is tcpdump safe in this scenario and is it's 
overhead minimal?



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