On 2020-06-02 23:27, Chris Narkiewicz wrote:
> Somebody on StackOverflow advised on modifying /etc/rc
> and run bioctl before disks are mounted, but I'm not sure
> if this is a right approach, especially that attaching
> more disks might change the /dev/sd* numberign.

That would cause yourself maintenance pain/broken systems. A less broken
solution, would be more targeted.

I have retrofitted encryption before, to allow manual post boot activation of
encryption via ssh, when abroad, without leaving a fob. Mounting a mail drive
and also encrypted /var/spool and a backup drive from /etc/rc.securelevel.

When it asks for a password on boot, rc.securelvel runs fsck -p ... &&
/sbin/mount ... (... = duid etc)

It also reads the passwords for the extra volumes with bioctl -p, for
convenience of only entering one password. Obviously the passwords are readable
only by root and stored on the first encrypted drive.

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