"Melameth, Daniel D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On a consumer-class Internet connection, I don't expect too much.
> However, the following should only log ssh:

That is what got me going on this... By negligence I'd left ssh open
after coming home from a trip where I had it open for connectiong to
home machine.  Normally I turn it back off when I'm home. 

I saw over a 5 day period some 13,000 hits on ssh port.  Apparently
some half configured dictionary attacks.  I say half configured
because the attemted user names don't seem to be in any recognizable
order.  My passwords are good so I didn't get too worried but it did
cause me to wonder what is going on that my ssh port got so
interesting suddenly.

Of coures I turned it off, but that leaves me with the sorry logging
facilities of the NETGEAR

> # Block all traffic and block and log ssh
> block all
> block in log on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $ext_if port ssh

Thanks, thats the one I was stumbling around with.

I read your comments about further help and want to thank you for the
help already given.   I think it may be all I needed to get this done.

But I'll be back to pester people once I've gotten up my nerve and put
the OBSD box up to the plate.

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