We are basing the server part of our products on OpenBSD.

We care more about reducing support issues than say performance.

We will have batteries but I hope to deploy some kind of root partition
redundancy, for upgrades.

However, Is sync or softdep a better default for the best chance of avoiding
manual fsck/support issues?

Turns out the issue that I had on pkg_add/ftp, that seemed to be eliminated by
switching to 3g was somehow, a short lived reprieve and was more to do with
re-assembly settings that had worked for me flawlessly, for years on a landline.

I believe scrub had no-df before and I am now using without issue, so far.

set reassemble yes no-df
match scrub (random-id max-mss 1389)

Should I drop the no-df from set reassemble? Any other recommendations welcome?

Any thoughts or links on the most secure pf.conf that remains being compatible
with any network?

Thank You

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