Does http work with redirects?  It wasn’t clear if it did or not in
your first post.

It doesn't work with http and that is the redirect that I was testing.

Indications from your pf anchor rules and the down
status above, and the check http attribute on the https forward to
directives tell me relayd isn’t liking your check http configuration
for port 443.
Start by switching to check icmp or check tcp or something else, see
if it works, unless you can fix the check http based on logs or

I changed it to tcp and now the servers are showing as "up":

LAB1-LB1# relayctl sh sum
Id      Type            Name                            Avlblty Status
1       redirect        http                                    active
1 table web_servers:80 active (1 hosts)
1       host                     100.00% up
2 table nc_servers:80 active (1 hosts)
2       host                     100.00% up
2       redirect        https                                   active
3 table web_servers:443 active (1 hosts)
3       host                     100.00% up
4 table nc_servers:443 active (1 hosts)
4       host                     100.00% up

However I was hoping to fix the http redirect first and then move to https, but it looks like more of a "general issue" with redirects in my current configuration.


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