Den lör 18 juli 2020 kl 23:28 skrev Guy Godfroy <>:

> Hello,
> I am using two routers on OpenBSD (called mulder and scully), and I wish
> to make dhcpd listen on a carp interface between both of them. I am
> using the synchronization mechanism:

I noticed the same issue long time ago, but settled for just running two
unconnected dhcpds and made sure that
1) all fixed replies exist on both (and clients don't mind getting two
answers, they pick the first and stop listening for any extra replies)
2) dhcpd checks that ip's don't reply to ping (or exist in arp?) before
handing out an ip from a dynamic range

and this seems to cover most of my concerns, no client would get a
different offer from both dhcpds and ack both, and putting as many fixed
entries as possible on important hosts to make sure they would work in any

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.

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