On 2020-07-24 03:16, Kihaguru Gathura wrote:

Which of the following legacy CPU types is best suited for very busy web
server httpd+slowcgi

Niagara CPU Such as T2 - More parallel Threads and Low power per single
Sparc64 CPU such as VI, VII - Fewer threads but more computing power per

How is multithreading utilization of httpd+slowcgi like?

Kind regards,


HiĀ  Kihaguru,

As with any computer, newer tends to be better with Moore's Law and all that. On sparc64 most of the logical cores that are shown are really just SMT pretending to be a bunch of cores. I have one machine that claims 128 cores, but in reality, its just 16 cores with 8-way SMT. sparc64 isn't renowned for its single core execution speed, so the faster the better in that regard.

In my experience with running OpenBSD on sparc64, the kernel biglock or crypto became a bottleneck before other things did. (I've used T3 and T4 machines fairly extensively with OpenBSD). I've found that disk activity, networking and/or TLS would bottleneck before httpd became a bottleneck when I was running sparc64 web servers in production. If you are running very heavy scripts/programs with slowcgi, then you're results may be different.

Things have likely improved dramatically in the past year or two with all the work done on removing the biglock, but the moral of the story remains, fewer, faster cores are likely to produce superior performance to numerous low power cores.



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