> On July 13 2018 Predrag Punosevac wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > has anyone any experience with running Julia (language)
> > on OpenBSD? How difficult was it to set it up? (It isn't
> > in the Ports.)
> >
> >
> As somebody already pointed out bcallah@ was looking more into it but
> last time I looked (1-2 years ago) it would be a major undertaking both
> by upstream and the porter. 
> Even on RHEL which is the most widely used OS for scientific computing
> Julia has to be compiled from the source.
> What are you trying to do with Julia? If you are just trying to do
> science it is probably a bad choice. Jeff Bezanson came here to Carnegie
> Mellon University to give a talk 2 years ago and I was not too
> impressed (arguably I am more interested in science than in computer
> language design). They had immense momentum 5-6 years ago but I think
> the enthusiasm is dissipating at least among scientist.

I am resurrecting this old thread as I evolved from a Julia sceptic to a
Julia user. The language has matured nicely. In my experience, Julia
wins hands down over Python for any scientific computing beyond pure
numerical linear algebra (2d double-precision floating point only data
structure) where MATLAB has an upper edge due to the more mature
debugger and profiler. An example would be


written by Chris Rackauckas which should win Wilkinson prize. In
comparison, Python ODE solvers are a joke. 

In a lieu of the fact that Patrick Wildt just imported LLVM 10.0.0 into
-current, has anybody with a proper skill set looked recently how
difficult would be to port Julia to OpenBSD? Feel free to take the
thread of the mailing list.

Predrag Punosevac

P.S. If you care primarily for scientific computing like I do then this
is an excellent intro


also some baby code


and a mandatory cheat sheet


> Cheers,
> Predrag

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