How do I assign the same IP and MAC address to multiple interfaces?
This is easy on Linux, but I cannot figure out how to do it on
OpenBSD.  The (virtual) machine is assigned a single IP address by
the hypervisor, so changing the IP not an option, and bridging is
a no-go as all the peers share a MAC address.  All netmasks are /32
for IPv4 and /128 for IPv6.

Each of the interfaces is a point-to-point Ethernet link, and both
its IP and MAC address and that of its peer are statically known.
All routes are also assigned statically.  In short, I need to assign
a route based purely on the name of an interface.

The -ifp keyword in route(8) seems like it should be used for this,
and the kernel sources indicate that it can be used to disambiguate
which interface should be selected.  However, I was not able to get
it to work.  I don’t have access to the VM I was using for testing
anymore, but if I recall correctly, the C code and shell scripts I
was using did the equivalent of the following:

# ifconfig xnf0 inet prefixlen 32
# route -n delete
# # this doesn’t work due to a route(8) bug ― I was using C code instead
# # I submitted a bug report (with patch) to bugs@ a while back
# route -n add -inet -link fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -ifp xnf0 -ifa
# ifconfig vether0 create lladdr fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
# ifconfig vether0 inet prefixlen 32
# # this doesn’t work due to a route(8) bug ― I was using C code instead
# route -n add -inet -link fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -ifp vether0 -ifa
# route -n delete
$ route -n show

I expect that the route would to would go through
vether0, but it goes through xnf0 instead.  If I then run:

# ifconfig xnf0 -inet
$ route -n show

the route is gone.

Should the above commands have worked?  If not, is this just
unsupported in OpenBSD?  If it is supported, what should I have done
differently?  I did manage to create a workaround: I can assign each
interface a unique alias address from the link-local
range, and use PF to NAT packets in this range to
However, this feels like an ugly hack.

For IPv6, I can use the link-local address of each interface as the
-ifa argument, so I am much less worried.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Demi M. Obenour

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