On 2020-09-10, Ashlen <euryd...@riseup.net> wrote:
> ktrace(1) suggests to me that it's a pathname issue based on this line:
> 33399 ncmpcpp  NAMI  "/home/ashlen/.config/ncmpcpp/lyrics//Porcupine
> Tree - Arriving Somewhere But Not Here.txt"
> Issuing
> $ mv ~/.config/ncmpcpp{,.bak}
> doesn't do anything to fix the issue, so it doesn't seem to be
> a problem caused by my configs.
> ktrace.out can be made available upon request. I didn't include it
> because it's quite long.

First thing to look for when there's a core dump is to see if you can
get a useful backtrace. How does the output look from this?

pkg_add gdb
egdb ncmpcpp ncmpcpp.core

If the lines output from "bt" don't have function names in,
rebuild ncmpcpp with "make clean; DEBUG=-g make repackage reinstall"
and try again.

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