On Thu, 17 Sep 2020, Jan Stary wrote:

> Can people please recommend an USB camera
> that is known to work well with OpenBSD?
> Are they generally better
> than the built-in laptop cameras?
> I might be forced to lecture online this upcomming semester,
> and tried the builtin mic and camera of a macbook.
> Not horrible when close-capturing myself as a talking head in front
> of a whiteboard, but both the audio and video could be improved.
> I get good sound through a MobilePre uaudio(4),
> but am at a loss wrt uvideo(4) cameras.

uvideo(4) man page has a list of models that are known to work.  You
could check reviews online about them to see if they perform better in
quality than your build-in laptop camera.  I guess they will as built-in
cameras are pretty bad in general.

I can't say about any of the ones in that list, but I've been using
a GoPro that I already had, attached to a cheap HDMI USB capture dongle
that retailed for 13EUR.  As long as it says that conforms to UVC
standard it should work.

The quality is quite good as you can imagine.  Mine captures 1080p at
30fps, but there are others a bit more expensive that can go 4k 30fps
or 1080p 60fps (they need USB 3.0), but the video conferencing software
will do whatever it wants with the image so I think that's not really
the point for that use case ...

Hope it helps.


Paco Esteban.

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