On 2020-09-21, Predrag Punosevac <punoseva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As of the port blocking unfortunately I am old enough to remember this
> post 
> http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/tcp.html#why
> and the remark that TCP is only needed for records larger than 512
> bytes. 
> "You want to publish record sets larger than 512 bytes. (This is almost
> always a mistake.)"
> I had no need for TCP port 53 to be open. Until month and a half ago
> things worked as expected and I have more important things to do than to
> fix things which don't appear to be broken.

DNS is fairly resilient so it can often "work" in a degraded fashion
with the only noticeable problem being some slowness, but relying on
this means that when things are a bit more broken or the situation
changes it will be unusable.

Even in cases where there are no large record sets, it is common for
modern authoritative servers to employ RRL (response rate limiting)
for UDP queries. One common method involves replying with a short
response with the TC flag set (truncated, querier should retry
over TCP) when they receive high request volumes from a particular
source network (often spoofed, using the authoritative server as a
"packet amplifier" - small queries generate a larger response
directed at the spoofed address). The handshake needed for establishing
a TCP connection makes it hard to spoof the source address of a query
(trivial for UDP) allowing legitimate connections to make it through
while not acting as a reliable packet amplifier.

> The following 
> https://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/
> is also evolving.

Honestly it hasn't had a thorough refresh/review since before PF syntax
changed to nat-to over 10 years ago, it's only had iterative changes
since then - it will get you up and running but imho it's not a great
basis for writing a maintainable and well-performing ruleset using
current features.

Tagging is only mentioned in "advanced configuration", received-on isn't
shown at all, no use of interface groups (those three I'd consider
pretty basic use), nothing about priority or queues or flow queues (I
guess these are a bit more advanced but I'd consider essential for both
setups with low line capacity, and larger scale setups where you have
high speed ports feeding lower speed lines - either NNIs with leased
line carriers or where you're controlling flows into radio links of say
a hundred Mb from a gigabit port etc).

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