On 2020-09-22 10:58, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> I actually agree with this.  Designing a program with pledge in
>> mind is always better.  However, that requires that the program be
>> trusted, and there still may be some corner cases in which I can
>> tighten down the pledge more than the program itself can.
> I disagree. I don't believe you can correctly produce security, because
> the pledge operation puts the program into an unexpected non-POSIX
> operational environment, and will introduce new potential error conditions
> the program does not expect.

In my use-case, the program’s correct functionality is less
important than ensuring that the program cannot break out.

>> So I can sandbox ftp(1) more than ftp(1) can reasonably sandbox itself.
> I very strongly disagree.  At best the pledge/unveil-wrapper will work in
> a specific one-time configuration, and not be generalizable.

Indeed it is not generalizable.

> We do not want users to be experimenting with things they don't understand,
> more precisely, things they cannot understand because this high-level pledge
> command is changing big underlying conditions.
>> To be fair, one could argue that ftp(1) should have a command-line
>> option that enables these lockdown options and disables the features
>> unsupported under this mode.
> Disagree.  This is not supposed to be user visible.

That’s why I posted the lockdown patch to remove the exec pledge
when it isn’t required.

>> That isn't actually not the main use case for pledge(1),
>> at least for me.  The main use-case is to sandbox untrusted,
>> potentially malicious executables.
> That is propostrous.
> You think it's a good idea to throw untrusted programs into an
> environment they were not designed...

Personally, I would prefer to run something like
https://play.rust-lang.org under the hardened OpenBSD kernel than
under Linux.  However, without a way to sandbox these binaries,
it can't be done.

>> I do not know any way to
>> implement something like the Rust Playground securely on OpenBSD
>> without using execpromises, at least without requiring at least part
>> of the application to run as root.  With execpromises, sandboxing
>> untrusted executables is trivial.  That's what pledge(1) is for.
> No it is not trivial!  You are running code in *NON-POSIX MODES*.

I know.  In my use-case, POSIX conformance is not necessary.
Rust works just fine on Windows, for example.

>> In my main use-case, I know what pledges I am willing to allow
>> untrusted code to have.  If it tries to do something that the
>> sandbox doesn't allow, it *should* fail.  I expect that some
>> functionality *will* break.  That's okay in my application.
> But you are wrong.  There are non-terminating situations in unveil
> and pledge, where a program which doesn't test for unexpected error
> returns or specific errno's, as this is NOT A CORRECT POSIX ENVIRONEMT,
> will go down a wrong path and do the wrong thing.

In many cases, these are throwaway programs, often used to share
snippets.  In others, I would be fine with picking up the pieces
myself if things break.  What I am NOT fine with is having to run
a web application as root, or give it access to doas(1).

I am also not wedded to execpromises at all.  If there is a better
alternative, I would be more than happy to use it.  I am just not
aware of one.



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