On 04/10/2020 16:05, Roderick wrote:

We read there:

-f archive

Filename where the archive is stored. Defaults to /dev/rst0. If set to hyphen (‘-’) standard output is used. See also the TAPE environment variable.


Well, hyphen (‘-’) may also mean stdin as expected, but it seems not
to be mentioned/insinuated on the man page.


Recent versions of tar(1) on {Free,Net}BSD stipulate:

-f file, --file file
Read the archive from or write the archive to the specified file. The filename can be - for standard input or standard output. The default varies by system; on FreeBSD, the default is /dev/sa0; on Linux, the default is /dev/st0.

I assume it's stdin when compressing and stdout when expanding. Or maybe vice versa?

Ottavio Caruso

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  • Re: man tar Ottavio Caruso

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