
 I just upgraded to 6.8 and the upgrade process has been super cool and simple 

Unfortunately I seem to have hit some weird issue in OpenSMTPD where it has 
delivering the mail using Dovecots LMTP due to sending as wrong user.

osmtpd tries to send the mail as *_smtpd* even when configured to send as a
different user *excision*

Relevant parts of the error output from the command
smtpd -dv -T stat -T lookup -T expand -T mproc -T rules

debug: mda: got message fd 21 for session 27dfd8470fcf834f evpid 
debug: mda: querying mda fd for session 27dfd8470fcf834f evpid 1140e2ecd415316b
mproc: pony -> parent : 6168 IMSG_MDA_FORK
debug: smtpd: forking mda for session 27dfd8470fcf834f: excision as _smtpd
mproc: parent -> pony : 8 IMSG_MDA_FORK
debug: mda: got mda fd 22 for session 27dfd8470fcf834f evpid 1140e2ecd415316b
debug: smtpd: mda process done for session 27dfd8470fcf834f: exited abnormally
debug: mda: io disconnected on session 27dfd8470fcf834f
mproc: parent -> pony : 35 IMSG_MDA_DONE
mproc: pony -> queue : 53 IMSG_MDA_DELIVERY_TEMPFAIL
27dfd846f9575079 mda delivery evpid=1140e2ecd415316b from= to= rcpt= use
r=excision delay=2h10m40s result=TempFail stat=Error (temporary failure: "mail.lmtp: 
connect: Permission denied")
debug: mda: session 27dfd8470fcf834f done
mproc: pony -> control : 46 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
debug: mda: user "excision" becomes runnable
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
debug: mda: all done for user ":excision"
mproc: pony -> control : 42 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
mproc: queue -> control : 57 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
ramstat: decrement: mda.envelope
ramstat: mda.envelope (0xe29944762c1): 1 -> 0
ramstat: decrement: mda.running
ramstat: mda.running (0xe29d4a91c41): 1 -> 0
ramstat: decrement: mda.user
ramstat: mda.user (0xe298f729481): 1 -> 0
mproc: queue -> control : 59 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: queue -> scheduler : 441 IMSG_QUEUE_DELIVERY_TEMPFAIL
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.load.hit
mproc: scheduler -> control : 61 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
ramstat: queue.evpcache.load.hit (0xe2a74f72f81): 111 -> 112
mproc: scheduler -> control : 61 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.update.hit
ramstat: queue.evpcache.update.hit (0xe29d4a91c41): 52 -> 53
ramstat: increment: scheduler.delivery.tempfail
ramstat: scheduler.delivery.tempfail (0xe2a74f72981): 45 -> 46
ramstat: decrement: scheduler.envelope.inflight
ramstat: scheduler.envelope.inflight (0xe2a74f72281): 1 -> 0
mproc: pony -> lka : 28 IMSG_GETNAMEINFO
mproc: pony -> control : 46 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT

This is happening as the lmtp socket only has minimal permissions
 srw-rw----  1 excision  excision     0B Oct 18 20:03 lmtp=

Relevant parts of my smtpd.conf

action "dovecot-lmtp" \
        lmtp "/var/dovecot/lmtp" rcpt-to \
        virtual <virtuals>
# accept mail from outside sent to our
# BUT not those who are coming for key-submission
match   from any \
        for domain  \
        !rcpt-to  \
        action "dovecot-lmtp"

Relevant parts of my virtuals table

ai...@aisha.cc                          excision
open...@aisha.cc                        ai...@aisha.cc

I've also attached the full files if needed and a larger log as well.

It's possible I've made some error, but then it was working until

Current workaround: chmod 666 /var/dovecot/lmtp
to allow _smtpd user to also write to the socket.
Very insecure, I know...

Hopefully, it is just me making a stupid error in the config :x


ai...@aisha.cc                          excision
postmas...@aisha.cc                             ai...@aisha.cc
ab...@aisha.cc                          ai...@aisha.cc
n...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
secur...@aisha.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
hostmas...@aisha.cc                             ai...@aisha.cc
use...@aisha.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
n...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
webmas...@aisha.cc                              ai...@aisha.cc
dmarcrepo...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
tlsrepo...@aisha.cc                             ai...@aisha.cc
ansim...@aisha.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
gen...@aisha.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
open...@aisha.cc                                ai...@aisha.cc
n...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
faceb...@aisha.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
enigm...@aisha.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
testu...@aisha.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
e...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
st...@aisha.cc                          ai...@aisha.cc
git...@aisha.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
n...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
m...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
freen...@aisha.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
r...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
lez...@aisha.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
kat...@aisha.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
mee...@aisha.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
mozi...@aisha.cc                                ai...@aisha.cc
c...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
w...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
z...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
m...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
m...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
pro...@aisha.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
aliexpr...@aisha.cc                             ai...@aisha.cc
a...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
ama...@aisha.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
backbl...@aisha.cc                              ai...@aisha.cc
d...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
i...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
s...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
ramn...@aisha.cc                                ai...@aisha.cc
shroom...@aisha.cc                              ai...@aisha.cc
dn...@aisha.cc                          ai...@aisha.cc
afr...@aisha.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
cfl...@aisha.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
clou...@aisha.cc                                ai...@aisha.cc
racksp...@aisha.cc                              ai...@aisha.cc
firef...@aisha.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
aish...@aisha.cc                                ai...@aisha.cc
epsi...@aisha.cc                                ai...@aisha.cc
am...@aisha.cc                          ai...@aisha.cc
bgpsp...@aisha.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
epsi...@epsilonknot.xyz                         ai...@aisha.cc
postmas...@epsilonknot.xyz                              ai...@aisha.cc
ab...@epsilonknot.xyz                           ai...@aisha.cc
n...@epsilonknot.xyz                            ai...@aisha.cc
secur...@epsilonknot.xyz                                ai...@aisha.cc
hostmas...@epsilonknot.xyz                              ai...@aisha.cc
use...@epsilonknot.xyz                          ai...@aisha.cc
n...@epsilonknot.xyz                            ai...@aisha.cc
webmas...@epsilonknot.xyz                               ai...@aisha.cc
dmarcrepo...@epsilonknot.xyz                            ai...@aisha.cc
tlsrepo...@epsilonknot.xyz                              ai...@aisha.cc
ansim...@epsilonknot.xyz                                ai...@aisha.cc
w...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
r...@aisha.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
postmas...@bsd.ac                               ai...@aisha.cc
ab...@bsd.ac                            ai...@aisha.cc
n...@bsd.ac                             ai...@aisha.cc
secur...@bsd.ac                         ai...@aisha.cc
hostmas...@bsd.ac                               ai...@aisha.cc
use...@bsd.ac                           ai...@aisha.cc
n...@bsd.ac                             ai...@aisha.cc
webmas...@bsd.ac                                ai...@aisha.cc
dmarcrepo...@bsd.ac                             ai...@aisha.cc
tlsrepo...@bsd.ac                               ai...@aisha.cc
ansim...@bsd.ac                         ai...@aisha.cc
ai...@bsd.ac                            ai...@aisha.cc
purr...@bsd.ac                          ai...@aisha.cc
c...@bsd.ac                             ai...@aisha.cc
c-stru...@bsd.ac                                ai...@aisha.cc
nycm...@bsd.ac                          ai...@aisha.cc
n...@epsilonknot.xyz                            ai...@aisha.cc
ata...@bsd.ac                           ai...@aisha.cc
z...@epsilonknot.xyz                            ai...@aisha.cc
excis...@aisha.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
excis...@epsilonknot.xyz                                ai...@aisha.cc
excis...@bsd.ac                         ai...@aisha.cc
postmas...@shinigami.xyz                                ai...@aisha.cc
ab...@shinigami.xyz                             ai...@aisha.cc
n...@shinigami.xyz                              ai...@aisha.cc
secur...@shinigami.xyz                          ai...@aisha.cc
hostmas...@shinigami.xyz                                ai...@aisha.cc
use...@shinigami.xyz                            ai...@aisha.cc
n...@shinigami.xyz                              ai...@aisha.cc
webmas...@shinigami.xyz                         ai...@aisha.cc
dmarcrepo...@shinigami.xyz                              ai...@aisha.cc
tlsrepo...@shinigami.xyz                                ai...@aisha.cc
excis...@shinigami.xyz                          ai...@aisha.cc
calen...@aisha.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
calen...@epsilonknot.xyz                                ai...@aisha.cc
calen...@bsd.ac                         ai...@aisha.cc
calen...@shinigami.xyz                          ai...@aisha.cc
postmas...@kshirsagar.xyz                               ai...@aisha.cc
ab...@kshirsagar.xyz                            ai...@aisha.cc
n...@kshirsagar.xyz                             ai...@aisha.cc
secur...@kshirsagar.xyz                         ai...@aisha.cc
hostmas...@kshirsagar.xyz                               ai...@aisha.cc
use...@kshirsagar.xyz                           ai...@aisha.cc
n...@kshirsagar.xyz                             ai...@aisha.cc
webmas...@kshirsagar.xyz                                ai...@aisha.cc
dmarcrepo...@kshirsagar.xyz                             ai...@aisha.cc
tlsrepo...@kshirsagar.xyz                               ai...@aisha.cc
excis...@kshirsagar.xyz                         ai...@aisha.cc
calen...@kshirsagar.xyz                         ai...@aisha.cc
fl...@bsd.ac                            ai...@aisha.cc
postmas...@apoorva.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
ab...@apoorva.cc                                ai...@aisha.cc
n...@apoorva.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
secur...@apoorva.cc                             ai...@aisha.cc
hostmas...@apoorva.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
use...@apoorva.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
n...@apoorva.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
webmas...@apoorva.cc                            ai...@aisha.cc
dmarcrepo...@apoorva.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
tlsrepo...@apoorva.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
excis...@apoorva.cc                             ai...@aisha.cc
calen...@apoorva.cc                             ai...@aisha.cc
postmas...@mande.cc                             ai...@aisha.cc
ab...@mande.cc                          ai...@aisha.cc
n...@mande.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
secur...@mande.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
hostmas...@mande.cc                             ai...@aisha.cc
use...@mande.cc                         ai...@aisha.cc
n...@mande.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
webmas...@mande.cc                              ai...@aisha.cc
dmarcrepo...@mande.cc                           ai...@aisha.cc
tlsrepo...@mande.cc                             ai...@aisha.cc
excis...@mande.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
calen...@mande.cc                               ai...@aisha.cc
postmas...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                              ai...@aisha.cc
ab...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                           ai...@aisha.cc
n...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                            ai...@aisha.cc
secur...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                                ai...@aisha.cc
hostmas...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                              ai...@aisha.cc
use...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                          ai...@aisha.cc
n...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                            ai...@aisha.cc
webmas...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                               ai...@aisha.cc
dmarcrepo...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                            ai...@aisha.cc
tlsrepo...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                              ai...@aisha.cc
excis...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                                ai...@aisha.cc
calen...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                                ai...@aisha.cc
a...@kshirsagar.xyz                             excision
apoo...@apoorva.cc                              excision
apoo...@bsd.ac                          excision
ap...@bsd.ac                            excision
dru...@epsilonknot.xyz                          excision
dru...@shinigami.xyz                            excision
epsilo...@epsilonknot.xyz                               excision
free...@epsilonknot.xyz                         excision
humbe...@bsd.ac                         excision
mat...@epsilonknot.xyz                          excision
nextcl...@epsilonknot.xyz                               excision
sushr...@bsd.ac                         excision
sushr...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                                sushr...@bsd.ac
webad...@bsd.ac                         excision
webad...@epsilonknot.xyz                                excision
w...@epsilonknot.xyz                            excision
w...@aisha.cc                           excision
w...@apoorva.cc                         excision
w...@bsd.ac                             excision
w...@epsilonknot.xyz                            excision
w...@kshirsagar.xyz                             excision
w...@mande.cc                           excision
w...@shinigami.xyz                              excision
w...@truthfuldistortions.xyz                            excision
# options for smtpd
queue compression
queue ttl 4d
bounce warn-interval 1h, 6h, 2d # default: 4h
smtp max-message-size 33M

smtp sub-addr-delim '.'

# actual mail handling
pki aisha.cc cert  "/etc/excision/ssl/aisha.cc.crt"
pki aisha.cc key   "/etc/excision/ssl/private/aisha.cc.key"

# Filters
# junk: add X-Spam header
# junk those sending from dynamic ip regex matches
filter check_dyndns phase connect match rdns regex { ".*\.dyn\..*", 
".*\.dsl\..*" } junk

# junk those who don't have forward or reverse dns
filter check_rdns phase connect match !rdns junk
filter check_fcrdns phase connect match !fcrdns junk

# junk and slow those below a sender score of 70
filter senderscore proc-exec "filter-senderscore -junkBelow 70 -slowFactor 1000"

# also use the rspamd filter
filter rspamd proc-exec "filter-rspamd"

# Tables
# Local host aliases
table   aliases \
# Virtual host aliases
table   virtuals \
table   revirt \
# Virtual domains
table   vdomains \
# Virtual passwd
table   passwd \
# OpenPGP WKS Submission Address
table   submission-address \

# Incoming connections
# Local messages
listen on socket \
        filter rspamd
# If we defined a private interface, we probably want to get emails 
# on that interface without mucking around with filters and
# what not, so lets just listen there quietly
listen on wg0
# Incoming messages from outside to people in <vdomain>
# this filter checks for spam vs ham on smtp port
listen on egress \
        tls pki aisha.cc \
        filter { check_dyndns, check_rdns, check_fcrdns, senderscore, rspamd }
# User submitted messages on two ports 465-SSL/TLS and 587-STARTTLS
# this filter signs the outgoing emails using the rspamd dkim_signing module
listen on egress port smtps \
        smtps pki aisha.cc \
        auth <passwd> received-auth \
        senders <revirt> \
        filter rspamd 
listen on egress port submission \
        tls-require pki aisha.cc \
        auth <passwd> received-auth \
        senders <revirt> \
        filter rspamd 

# Sending messages
action "local_mail" \
        mbox \
        alias <aliases>
action "dovecot-lmtp" \
        lmtp "/var/dovecot/lmtp" rcpt-to \
        virtual <virtuals>
action "outbound" \
        relay \
        helo mail.aisha.cc

# Rules - first to match is applied
# Forward local messages
match   from local \
        for local \
        action "local_mail"
# Send any authenticated mail not meant for <vdomains> to outside
match   from any auth \
        !for domain <vdomains> \
        action "outbound"
# Local mail to <vdomains> is sent properly
match   from local \
        for domain <vdomains> \
        action "dovecot-lmtp"
# From authenticated users to <submission-address>
match   from any auth \
        for domain <vdomains> \
        rcpt-to <submission-address> \
        action "dovecot-lmtp"
# accept mail from outside sent to our <vdomains>
# BUT not those who are coming for key-submission
match   from any \
        for domain <vdomains> \
        !rcpt-to <submission-address> \
        action "dovecot-lmtp"
# Every other mail is to be rejected
match   from any \
        for any \
mproc: queue -> scheduler : 489 IMSG_QUEUE_DELIVERY_TEMPFAIL
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.load.hit
mproc: scheduler -> control : 61 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
ramstat: queue.evpcache.load.hit (0xe29d4a91c41): 101 -> 102
mproc: scheduler -> control : 61 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.update.hit
ramstat: queue.evpcache.update.hit (0xe298f729bc1): 47 -> 48
ramstat: increment: scheduler.delivery.tempfail
ramstat: scheduler.delivery.tempfail (0xe2994476581): 40 -> 41
ramstat: decrement: scheduler.envelope.inflight
ramstat: scheduler.envelope.inflight (0xe2994476a81): 1 -> 0
debug: scheduler: evp:46ea382418ff5027 scheduled (mda)
mproc: scheduler -> queue : 8 IMSG_SCHED_ENVELOPE_DELIVER
mproc: scheduler -> control : 61 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: queue -> control : 57 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: queue -> pony : 420 IMSG_QUEUE_DELIVER
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.load.hit
ramstat: queue.evpcache.load.hit (0xe298f729e81): 102 -> 103
ramstat: increment: scheduler.envelope.inflight
mproc: pony -> lka : 30 IMSG_MDA_LOOKUP_USERINFO
ramstat: scheduler.envelope.inflight (0xe298f729e81): 0 -> 1
mproc: pony -> control : 42 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mda: new user 27dfd83f5d136368 for "<getpwnam>:excision" delivering as "_smtpd"
mproc: pony -> control : 46 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
debug: lka: userinfo <getpwnam>:excision
ramstat: increment: mda.user
lookup: lookup "excision" as USERINFO in table getpwnam:<getpwnam> -> "1002:1003:/var/excision-home"
ramstat: mda.user (0xe298f729481): 0 -> 1
mproc: lka -> pony : 1308 IMSG_MDA_LOOKUP_USERINFO
ramstat: increment: mda.envelope
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
ramstat: mda.envelope (0xe2a74f72141): 0 -> 1
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
ramstat: increment: mda.pending
debug: mda: new session 27dfd840d1fd940e for user "<getpwnam>:excision" evpid 46ea382418ff5027
ramstat: mda.pending (0xe298f729481): 0 -> 1
mproc: pony -> queue : 12 IMSG_MDA_OPEN_MESSAGE
debug: mda: no more envelope for "<getpwnam>:excision"
ramstat: decrement: mda.pending
ramstat: mda.pending (0xe298f729781): 1 -> 0
ramstat: increment: mda.running
ramstat: mda.running (0xe29d4a91c41): 0 -> 1
mproc: queue -> pony : 8 IMSG_MDA_OPEN_MESSAGE
debug: mda: got message fd 21 for session 27dfd840d1fd940e evpid 46ea382418ff5027
debug: mda: querying mda fd for session 27dfd840d1fd940e evpid 46ea382418ff5027
mproc: pony -> parent : 6168 IMSG_MDA_FORK
debug: smtpd: forking mda for session 27dfd840d1fd940e: excision as _smtpd
mproc: parent -> pony : 8 IMSG_MDA_FORK
debug: mda: got mda fd 22 for session 27dfd840d1fd940e evpid 46ea382418ff5027
debug: mda: end-of-file for session 27dfd840d1fd940e evpid 46ea382418ff5027
debug: mda: all data sent for session 27dfd840d1fd940e evpid 46ea382418ff5027
debug: smtpd: mda process done for session 27dfd840d1fd940e: exited abnormally
mproc: parent -> pony : 35 IMSG_MDA_DONE
mproc: pony -> queue : 53 IMSG_MDA_DELIVERY_TEMPFAIL
27dfd83f5d136368 mda delivery evpid=46ea382418ff5027 from=<r...@mail.aisha.cc> to=<ai...@aisha.cc> rcpt=<r...@mail.aisha.cc> user=excision delay=6h56m40s result=TempFail stat=Error (temporary failure: "mail.lmtp: connect: Permission denied")
debug: mda: session 27dfd840d1fd940e done
mproc: pony -> control : 46 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
debug: mda: user "excision" becomes runnable
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
debug: mda: all done for user "<getpwnam>:excision"
mproc: pony -> control : 42 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
mproc: queue -> control : 57 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
ramstat: decrement: mda.envelope
ramstat: mda.envelope (0xe298f729781): 1 -> 0
ramstat: decrement: mda.running
ramstat: mda.running (0xe2994476041): 1 -> 0
ramstat: decrement: mda.user
ramstat: mda.user (0xe298f729bc1): 1 -> 0
mproc: queue -> control : 59 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: queue -> scheduler : 411 IMSG_QUEUE_DELIVERY_TEMPFAIL
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.load.hit
ramstat: queue.evpcache.load.hit (0xe2a74f72c81): 103 -> 104
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.update.hit
ramstat: queue.evpcache.update.hit (0xe29d4a91c41): 48 -> 49
mproc: scheduler -> control : 61 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: scheduler -> control : 61 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
ramstat: increment: scheduler.delivery.tempfail
ramstat: scheduler.delivery.tempfail (0xe2a74f72e01): 41 -> 42
ramstat: decrement: scheduler.envelope.inflight
ramstat: scheduler.envelope.inflight (0xe29d4a91c41): 1 -> 0
debug: scheduler: evp:908f2d59f8599c36 scheduled (mda)
mproc: scheduler -> queue : 8 IMSG_SCHED_ENVELOPE_DELIVER
mproc: scheduler -> control : 61 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: queue -> control : 57 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: queue -> pony : 458 IMSG_QUEUE_DELIVER
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.load.hit
ramstat: queue.evpcache.load.hit (0xe298f729e81): 104 -> 105
ramstat: increment: scheduler.envelope.inflight
mproc: pony -> lka : 30 IMSG_MDA_LOOKUP_USERINFO
ramstat: scheduler.envelope.inflight (0xe298f729481): 0 -> 1
mproc: pony -> control : 42 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mda: new user 27dfd841eeae0208 for "<getpwnam>:excision" delivering as "_smtpd"
mproc: pony -> control : 46 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
debug: lka: userinfo <getpwnam>:excision
ramstat: increment: mda.user
lookup: lookup "excision" as USERINFO in table getpwnam:<getpwnam> -> "1002:1003:/var/excision-home"
ramstat: mda.user (0xe29944766c1): 0 -> 1
mproc: lka -> pony : 1308 IMSG_MDA_LOOKUP_USERINFO
ramstat: increment: mda.envelope
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
ramstat: mda.envelope (0xe2a74f728c1): 0 -> 1
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
ramstat: increment: mda.pending
debug: mda: new session 27dfd842cac124f3 for user "<getpwnam>:excision" evpid 908f2d59f8599c36
ramstat: mda.pending (0xe298f729481): 0 -> 1
mproc: pony -> queue : 12 IMSG_MDA_OPEN_MESSAGE
debug: mda: no more envelope for "<getpwnam>:excision"
ramstat: decrement: mda.pending
ramstat: mda.pending (0xe298f729481): 1 -> 0
ramstat: increment: mda.running
ramstat: mda.running (0xe2a74f72601): 0 -> 1
mproc: queue -> pony : 8 IMSG_MDA_OPEN_MESSAGE
debug: mda: got message fd 21 for session 27dfd842cac124f3 evpid 908f2d59f8599c36
debug: mda: querying mda fd for session 27dfd842cac124f3 evpid 908f2d59f8599c36
mproc: pony -> parent : 6168 IMSG_MDA_FORK
debug: smtpd: forking mda for session 27dfd842cac124f3: excision as _smtpd
mproc: parent -> pony : 8 IMSG_MDA_FORK
debug: mda: got mda fd 22 for session 27dfd842cac124f3 evpid 908f2d59f8599c36
debug: mda: end-of-file for session 27dfd842cac124f3 evpid 908f2d59f8599c36
debug: mda: all data sent for session 27dfd842cac124f3 evpid 908f2d59f8599c36
debug: smtpd: mda process done for session 27dfd842cac124f3: exited abnormally
mproc: parent -> pony : 35 IMSG_MDA_DONE
mproc: pony -> queue : 53 IMSG_MDA_DELIVERY_TEMPFAIL
27dfd841eeae0208 mda delivery evpid=908f2d59f8599c36 from=<owner-ports+M115843=openbsd.ports=aisha...@openbsd.org> to=<ai...@aisha.cc> rcpt=<openbsd.po...@aisha.cc> user=excision delay=2h40m10s result=TempFail stat=Error (temporary failure: "mail.lmtp: connect: Permission denied")
debug: mda: session 27dfd842cac124f3 done
mproc: pony -> control : 46 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
debug: mda: user "excision" becomes runnable
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
debug: mda: all done for user "<getpwnam>:excision"
mproc: pony -> control : 42 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
mproc: queue -> control : 57 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
ramstat: decrement: mda.envelope
ramstat: mda.envelope (0xe298f729e81): 1 -> 0
ramstat: decrement: mda.running
ramstat: mda.running (0xe2a74f72301): 1 -> 0
ramstat: decrement: mda.user
ramstat: mda.user (0xe298f729e81): 1 -> 0
mproc: queue -> control : 59 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: queue -> scheduler : 449 IMSG_QUEUE_DELIVERY_TEMPFAIL
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.load.hit
ramstat: queue.evpcache.load.hit (0xe29d4a91c41): 105 -> 106
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.update.hit
ramstat: queue.evpcache.update.hit (0xe2a74f72241): 49 -> 50
mproc: scheduler -> control : 61 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: scheduler -> control : 61 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
ramstat: increment: scheduler.delivery.tempfail
ramstat: scheduler.delivery.tempfail (0xe2a74f72201): 42 -> 43
ramstat: decrement: scheduler.envelope.inflight
ramstat: scheduler.envelope.inflight (0xe2a74f72101): 1 -> 0
debug: scheduler: evp:4294ab0335c8e8dc scheduled (mda)
mproc: scheduler -> queue : 8 IMSG_SCHED_ENVELOPE_DELIVER
debug: scheduler: evp:75a0aa6d6027a432 scheduled (mda)
mproc: scheduler -> queue : 8 IMSG_SCHED_ENVELOPE_DELIVER
mproc: scheduler -> control : 61 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: queue -> control : 57 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
ramstat: increment: scheduler.envelope.inflight
mproc: queue -> pony : 498 IMSG_QUEUE_DELIVER
ramstat: scheduler.envelope.inflight (0xe2a74f72f41): 0 -> 2
mproc: queue -> control : 57 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: queue -> pony : 436 IMSG_QUEUE_DELIVER
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.load.hit
mproc: pony -> lka : 30 IMSG_MDA_LOOKUP_USERINFO
ramstat: queue.evpcache.load.hit (0xe29d4a91c41): 106 -> 107
mproc: pony -> control : 42 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.load.hit
mda: new user 27dfd8439c8a925e for "<getpwnam>:excision" delivering as "_smtpd"
ramstat: queue.evpcache.load.hit (0xe29d4a91c41): 107 -> 108
mproc: pony -> control : 46 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: pony -> control : 46 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
debug: lka: userinfo <getpwnam>:excision
ramstat: increment: mda.user
lookup: lookup "excision" as USERINFO in table getpwnam:<getpwnam> -> "1002:1003:/var/excision-home"
ramstat: mda.user (0xe29d4a91d81): 0 -> 1
mproc: lka -> pony : 1308 IMSG_MDA_LOOKUP_USERINFO
ramstat: increment: mda.envelope
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
ramstat: mda.envelope (0xe29944768c1): 0 -> 1
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
ramstat: increment: mda.pending
debug: mda: new session 27dfd844a65d1c31 for user "<getpwnam>:excision" evpid 4294ab0335c8e8dc
ramstat: mda.pending (0xe2a74f72941): 0 -> 1
mproc: pony -> queue : 12 IMSG_MDA_OPEN_MESSAGE
ramstat: increment: mda.envelope
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
ramstat: mda.envelope (0xe29d4a91c41): 1 -> 2
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
ramstat: increment: mda.pending
debug: mda: new session 27dfd8453fc5dbd7 for user "<getpwnam>:excision" evpid 75a0aa6d6027a432
ramstat: mda.pending (0xe29d4a91c41): 1 -> 2
mproc: pony -> queue : 12 IMSG_MDA_OPEN_MESSAGE
debug: mda: no more envelope for "<getpwnam>:excision"
ramstat: decrement: mda.pending
ramstat: mda.pending (0xe29d4a91c41): 2 -> 1
ramstat: increment: mda.running
ramstat: mda.running (0xe2994476681): 0 -> 1
ramstat: decrement: mda.pending
ramstat: mda.pending (0xe2994476ac1): 1 -> 0
ramstat: increment: mda.running
ramstat: mda.running (0xe2994476a81): 1 -> 2
mproc: queue -> pony : 8 IMSG_MDA_OPEN_MESSAGE
mproc: queue -> pony : 8 IMSG_MDA_OPEN_MESSAGE
debug: mda: got message fd 21 for session 27dfd844a65d1c31 evpid 4294ab0335c8e8dc
debug: mda: querying mda fd for session 27dfd844a65d1c31 evpid 4294ab0335c8e8dc
mproc: pony -> parent : 6168 IMSG_MDA_FORK
debug: mda: got message fd 22 for session 27dfd8453fc5dbd7 evpid 75a0aa6d6027a432
debug: mda: querying mda fd for session 27dfd8453fc5dbd7 evpid 75a0aa6d6027a432
mproc: pony -> parent : 6168 IMSG_MDA_FORK
debug: smtpd: forking mda for session 27dfd844a65d1c31: excision as _smtpd
mproc: parent -> pony : 8 IMSG_MDA_FORK
debug: mda: got mda fd 23 for session 27dfd844a65d1c31 evpid 4294ab0335c8e8dc
debug: smtpd: mda process done for session 27dfd844a65d1c31: exited abnormally
debug: mda: io disconnected on session 27dfd844a65d1c31
mproc: parent -> pony : 35 IMSG_MDA_DONE
mproc: pony -> queue : 53 IMSG_MDA_DELIVERY_TEMPFAIL
27dfd8439c8a925e mda delivery evpid=4294ab0335c8e8dc from=<gentoo-user+bounces-193460-gentoo.user=aisha...@lists.gentoo.org> to=<ai...@aisha.cc> rcpt=<gentoo.u...@aisha.cc> user=excision delay=3h12m40s result=TempFail stat=Error (temporary failure: "mail.lmtp: connect: Permission denied")
debug: mda: session 27dfd844a65d1c31 done
mproc: pony -> control : 46 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
debug: mda: user "excision" becomes runnable
debug: smtpd: forking mda for session 27dfd8453fc5dbd7: excision as _smtpd
mproc: pony -> control : 45 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
debug: mda: no more envelope for "<getpwnam>:excision"
mproc: queue -> control : 57 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
ramstat: decrement: mda.envelope
ramstat: mda.envelope (0xe29d4a91c41): 2 -> 1
ramstat: decrement: mda.running
ramstat: mda.running (0xe298f729781): 2 -> 1
mproc: parent -> pony : 8 IMSG_MDA_FORK
debug: mda: got mda fd 21 for session 27dfd8453fc5dbd7 evpid 75a0aa6d6027a432
debug: mda: end-of-file for session 27dfd8453fc5dbd7 evpid 75a0aa6d6027a432
mproc: queue -> control : 59 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
debug: mda: all data sent for session 27dfd8453fc5dbd7 evpid 75a0aa6d6027a432
mproc: queue -> scheduler : 489 IMSG_QUEUE_DELIVERY_TEMPFAIL
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.load.hit
debug: smtpd: mda process done for session 27dfd8453fc5dbd7: exited abnormally
mproc: scheduler -> control : 61 IMSG_STAT_INCREMENT
ramstat: queue.evpcache.load.hit (0xe29d4a91c41): 108 -> 109
mproc: parent -> pony : 35 IMSG_MDA_DONE
mproc: scheduler -> control : 61 IMSG_STAT_DECREMENT
ramstat: increment: queue.evpcache.update.hit
mproc: pony -> queue : 53 IMSG_MDA_DELIVERY_TEMPFAIL

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