On Tue, October 27, 2020 11:10 am, avv. Nicola Dell'Uomo wrote:
> Hi,
> maybe I'm missing something trivial, but I can't figure out how to cron
> sct(1)
> My user cron config works and cron log reports sct was executed, but
> screen temp doesn't change ...
> Here's my user crontab:
> #ÂÂÂÂÂÂ $OpenBSD: crontab,v 1.28 2020/04/18 17:22:43 jmc Exp $
> #
> # SHELL=/bin/sh
> PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
> HOME=/var/log
> #
> #minute hourÂÂÂ mdayÂÂÂ monthÂÂ wdayÂÂÂ [flags] command
> #
> # rotate log files every hour, if necessary
> /home/nicola/sct
> /usr/local/bin/sct 5000
> # touch /home/nicola/sct was a test in order to verify I had not
> misconfigured crontab.
> # cron was tested with SHELL variable defined and then commented out and
> the result was the same.

It needs access to X.  I'm guessing you need to pass the DISPLAY variable?

I'm using sctd in .xinitrc (or .xsession) to slowing adjust the temp.


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