Luke Fogarty wrote:


Since moving from Cable to DSL, squid no longer starts on boot. I have
the following entry in /etc/rc.local

#start squid
if [ -f /usr/local/squid/sbin/squid ]; then
               echo -n ' Squid'

I've also tried just having /usr/local/sbin/squid in there

For DSL I'm using a modem, and the OpenBSD box is creating a virtual
tun0 interface and is making the PPPOE connection, I'm assuming it has
something to do with this? I have the squid startup line AFTER the PPPOE
connection line in rc.local? Squid starts fine once the machine has
completely booted.

I've checked /var/log/messages and /var/log/daemon but nothing of use in
there as far as I can tell

Any guidance is appreciated!


Check the squid cache.log (/var/squid/cache.log for ports, /usr/local/squid/var/log.... for default prefix install) You may find out that it's not finding the dns when it starts up. If so, have a look at starting it with the -D switch.


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