To close this thread, I found this:

> Am 30.10.2020 um 11:15 schrieb
>> Am 30.10.2020 um 01:28 schrieb Theo de Raadt <>:
>> wrote:
>>> I just saw
>>> however, it's unclear from the description and the context around the
>>> patch if this is a read after free or write after free (or both).
>> I think it is fair you can study the code yourself and make your own
>> factual determination.
> As said, it is not immediately obvious to me if this is just read-after-free 
> or also write-after-free. Hence I was hoping someone who either wrote the fix 
> or who is more familiar with the code than me could enlighten me. It's not 
> one of those obvious fixes where you see the buffer overflow just below.
>>> In the case of a write after free, would this change "Only two remote
>>> holes in the default install, in a heck of a long time!" to three? Or
>>> does it need more than IPv6 being configured?
>> First off, is ipv6 deployment really part of the default install?  No,
>> not really it takes some effort to configure v6, it is not natural.
> The same could be said for v4 though, so is networking not considered part of 
> the default install? How did the 2 remote holes happen without network then, 
> though? Please help me understand, because the installer asked me for IPv6 
> just as it did for IPv4, so I would consider them both equally default.
>> It is active on the loopback, but then that's not remote..
> What about link-local IPv6? That's active by default, isn't it?
> In any case, are you saying just removing the inet6 address from all 
> interfaces would be a sufficient workaround if an immediate update is not 
> possible? (Of course, only as a workaround until it's possible)
>> But there's a bigger assumption in your mail:
>> We've released the errata as security because it is possibly exploitable
>> or could cause a crash, and we have a rapid fix release process.  It was
>> released without even seeing any evidence of a remote crash, nor any
>> evidence of a remote exploit.  Incorrect code gets fixed, and if we
>> judge it important we release a fix to the public in expedited fashion,
>> and apparently get judged for doing so.
> And that is good. But it still does not help in determining the impact, i.e.: 
> Was this just a remote DoS (read-after-free) or a potential RCE 
> (write-after-free)? For the latter, I would just update, for the former, time 
> to reinstall my machines.
>> Now that the fix is released and deployed by most openbsd users, we
>> quickly become uncurious and head back to other work.  The only
>> conversations related to this are asking how we can harden the mbuf
>> layer to avoid similar issues in the future.
> Which seems like a good strategy, but still, don't you think it's valuable to 
> know what the maximum impact was in the worst-case? I fully agree with being 
> over cautious and calling something an RCE rather than a DoS when it's 
> unclear (a write-after-free could look like a DoS at first and turn out to be 
> RCE, after all), but some things are limited in impact (a read-after-free 
> usually isn't more than a DoS).
>> I guess many other operating systems would wait weeks or months to
>> collect all the "facts" and make a fancy disclosure, but we shipped
>> source and binary fixes in just over 24 hours.
> Again, I think that time is better spent fixing it fast than writing a fancy 
> disclosure. I am merely curious if this was just read-after-free or 
> write-after-free (or both) to make my own risk determination.
>> So, is it a remote crash?  Possibly, but we'd like to see a packet
>> that causes it.
>> Next after that, is it a remote exploit?
>> I think it is fair to wait for facts.
> So, what you're saying is, it is only tagged as a security out of caution, 
> not because it necessarily is exploitable?
>> I also think you are a troll.
> Not everybody trying to understand the impact of a security bug is a troll ;).
> I merely brought up the 2 remote holes because I was wondering if this could 
> be used as a signal that it's not remotely exploitable, as it's still 2.
> -- 
> Jonathan

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