On 11/15/20 12:25 PM, Mihai Popescu wrote:

In the scenario of building a router with APU4, one interface is for wan,
the rest of three are free to use.
What is the most sane and performance wise ( CPU load, interface load,
etc.) way to tie together the remaining three interfaces as a switch, and
avoid using one IP class per interface?
Is it better to use one for lan, leave the remaining two unused and cascade
a dumb switch for other lan connections?

Thank you.

I wouldn't recommend putting the remaining ports into a bridge configuration as that will force the interfaces into promiscuous mode, and cause higher CPU load. It would be better to just run the LAN off of a switch connected to a single port on the APU as that will allow LAN traffic to flow without the APU having to touch every single packet. If you wanted to be pedantic, an argument could also be made that using a single interface would also lend itself to maximally effective interrupt coalescing.



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