On 2020-11-17, Axel Rau <axel....@chaos1.de> wrote:
> --Apple-Mail=_AD48A584-E586-4B64-9277-CAE8E8103BC1
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> Hi all.
>> Am 16.11.2020 um 11:09 schrieb Axel Rau <axel....@chaos1.de>:
>> - - -
>> From /etc/rc.conf.local:
>> - - -
>> dhcpd_flags="em0 em3 vlan11 vlan12 vlan13 vlan14 vlan15 vlan16"
>> - - -
> I have still no resolution. dhcpd preovides always an address from the subnet 
> 172.16.11/24 regardless from which vlan comes the request.
> 172.16.11/24 is the subnet associated with the 1st vlan on em3 (vlan11)

Your emails are a bit confusing. You have sent one email showing
current config from ifconfig for vlan11 and vlan13, another email
showing hostname.if files for vlan11 and vlan12, an excerpt from
your dhcpd.conf file showing configs for the subnets you showed
on vlan11 and vlan12, and log from an example request on vlan13.

Check your configuration methodically, make sure you have sections
in dhcpd.conf for all the networks you have told it to listen to
that match the networks configured in hostname.if files.

Is dhcpd.conf just missing a subnet section for

If things may have got confused during testing, restart the system to
make sure the interfaces are configured as set in the files.

> - - -
> hardware-type must be the name of a hardware interface type. Currently, the 
> ethernet, token-ring and fddi physical interface types are recognized, 
> although support for DHCP-over-IPsec virtual interface type ipsec-tunnel is 
> provided. The hardware-address should be a set of colon-separated hexadecimal 
> octets (0-ff) or a hostname that can be looked up in ethers(5) 
> <https://man.openbsd.org/ethers.5> when the configuration is read.
> - - -

You are unlikely to need to set this. In any event a vlan is an
ethernet interface type.

> Are vlans aresupported by dhcpd at all?

It doesn't need any special support, they just appear as a normal
ethernet-like interface.

> Axel
> ---
> PGP-Key: CDE74120  ☀  computing @ chaos claudius
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