On Nov 26 11:35, Nick Holland wrote:
> I have a similar situation at $DAYJOB.  Not OpenBSD, but an OS that
> similarly has little malware written for it (and an environment with
> lots of softer targets than the OS anyway).  For LOTS of reasons, we
> didn't want to put AV on the "important" systems, but we needed to
> hit that checkbox that says, "AV scans!"
> Our compliance people work with me pretty well, and what we came up
> was to run the AV against our BACKUPS of those boxes.  We rsync
> the data from the systems to a central backup, and we run the AV on
> that box against the data.  Increased the backup by a few GB/box and
> grabbed the binaries, too, and ta-da, we got a pretty good AV scan
> taking place with /zero/ additional impact on the systems.

This is a great idea.

For realtime, we can protect critical content with something like mtree(8) 
output verified with signify(1), running in security(8) daily.

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