On 28.11.20 05:51, Nick Holland wrote:
> I've heard that from a lot of people.
> And yet, those same people, when pressed, will tell you that a ZFS-equipped
> system will crash much more often than simpler file systems.  That's one
> heck of a real penalty to pay for a theoretical advantage.
> I've setup some cool stuff using ZFS (dynamically sized partitions,
> snapshots, zfs sends of snapshots to other machines, etc), but man, I
> spent a comical amount of time babysitting and fixing file system
> problems.  The 1980s are over, file systems should Just Work now.
> If you are babysitting them constantly, something ain't right.  If
> someone wants to add a ZFS-like "scrubbing" feature to ffs, I'd be all
> for it. But not for the penalties that come with ZFS.

no idea what you did but I have never had problems on ZFS (in ~ 10
years, 250 servers, few PB of storage) with Solaris and FreeBSD, Linux yes.

Other than that I can just highly recommend reconsidering ZFS, my
experience was: bit rot on modern high density disks _is_ a problem.
sorry for offtopic.

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