
With OpenBSD 6.8 installed, I'm investigating switching from OpenVPN over to Wireguard.

This is for roadwarrior with Windows 7/10 laptops to access my OpenBSD 6.8 server.

All I can find is wg(4) for reference.  It has kind of an interesting example, but I am struggling a bit without the "big picture".  I don't mind doing my own reading, but the only additional documentation I can find is the Whiteguard whitepaper which is Linux and doesn't mention "wgendpoint"...

Is it necessary to use routing domains?  I don't believe so as I've never done that with any other interface.

Where are the various wireguard parameters to ifconfig documented? From the example:     ifconfig wg1 create wgport 111 wgkey `openssl rand -base64 32` rdomain 1

What is the implication of "wgport"?  wgkey is pretty obvious.

The next relevant line in the example:
    ifconfig wg1 wgpeer $PUB2 wgendpoint 222 wgaip

wgpeer is the public key of the wireguard instance running on the Windows PC's. wgendpoint... what should that be in a road warrior setup?  I'm not sure exactly what that is about.  I am guessing that it is the interface to listen on?  I get my public IP address via DHCP from my ISP so it is subject to change.  I have dynamic DNS set up and it's working perfectly.  What would the configuration look like in a situation like this?

wgaip - does that correspond with "Allowed IP's" described in glossary in the "DESCRIPTION" section.  With a /32, that's a hostname.  But in a roadwarrior setup, I won't know what the remote IP is..  so I'm a bit confused here.

And then finally, what changes need to be made to pf.conf to allow this traffic to flow?  Is that what the "wgport" field is about?

Steve W.

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