...on Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 01:07:09PM +0200, Gabriel George POPA wrote:

 >    I have a small problem with squirrelmail. The problem is that users 
 > cannot read their mail messages if they are too large (though not very
 > going on? Settings from /etc/inetd.conf:
 > # IMAP server from PINE
 > imap2        stream    tcp    nowait    root    /usr/sbin/imapd         
 > imapd

That doesn't really explain your problem, but if you 
are running an imapd from inetd and have enough users, 
you will certainly run into the default spawn limit 
of 256 connections in 60 seconds. 

Try cranking that up to a sensible number for your 
environment (nowait.2048 or something).


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