Hello, Misc;

I've been playing around with rc.d scripts and I've stumbled upon an issue in
my git daemon script:

    # $OpenBSD: gitdaemon.rc,v 1.4 2019/07/16 09:56:55 stsp Exp $
    daemon="/usr/local/libexec/git/git-daemon --detach"
    daemon_flags=" --detach --export-all --reuseaddr --base-path=/home/git 
    . /etc/rc.d/rc.subr
    rc_cmd $1

Upon running starting the script, the daemon starts, however, upon restarting
the script doesn't restart, that is, I don't get two gitdaemon(ok) messages
(one for stopping one for starting), and when checking the pid the process has
not restarted.

Am I missing somthing in my script or is it just an issue with git? Thank you
in advance.

Ben Raskin

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